Day 12-4 - A Hopeful Ending

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"I am Morgan Le Fay, Berserker. It's a pleasure to meet you, my Master."

Everyone looked at the sight of the once mad Queen, now stating herself as a Servant for both (Y/n) and Gudako. For our protagonist, he's wary on how she is right now, because it's his first time ever doing so. For Gudako...

'Will she remember us? I mean... Anastasia doesn't remember me back at the Lostbelt when we summoned her, but...' It was her thought the entire time after resummoning Morgan.

The other Heroic Spirits can only pity at the Queen, who knew what's coming to her after being summoned by a Master, even Artoria looked down in regret of not able to save her before having to use the last resort.

(Y/n) stared at the kneeling former Queen and tries to reach her, which Gudako and others can only watch. He touches her cheek, as Morgan looks at him in the eyes.

"Morgan?" He said,

"Yes, my Master?" The Servant replied. Hearing the word Master again make him feel uneasy about it.

"Do you... remember me?" He then asked, hoping that she at least remember him. Morgan blinked once before replying,

"... I do, my Master." Everyone then turned their pity into curiosity upon hearing that. (Y/n) breaths in relief that at least Morgan remembers him.

"Then, do you still want me to become your husband?" (Y/n)'s next question did bring some ire to Kiyo. Morgan then looked down before facing him again.

"... Yes, my Master." She replied. With Morgan now remembered two of the important things that he wanted to know, (Y/n) pulls her into a hug, surprising everyone and even Morgan.

"I'm sorry, but I can't be your husband." (Y/n) said. He keeps hugging the former Queen in anticipation of her to start crying, but he didn't hear a single sniffle from her, giving him an opportunity to explain.

"Morgan, I can't deny that you're a wonderful gir- woman, but I can't accept your love. It's not because I already have my girlfriends, but I can't accept your view of seeing me as someone that you loved in the past."

Mash and Kiyo, knowing his kindness, understands his reasons. Morgan kept her silence however, as if she wants more elaboration of his reason.

"I'm not good at explaining more, but I just want you to be happy too. I don't want you to fall in love with me because you see me as that Ritsuka. If anything, he doesn't want you to keep thinking about him."

Everyone is stoked upon hearing the last sentence, which made them speculate if he somehow managed to encounter their Ritsuka somehow. Morgan however stopped her monotone look as her eyes went wide.

"R-ritsuka?" She muttered while trembling in sadness. (Y/n) thinks his next words carefully, but he simply said 'Screw it!' in his mind.

"I want you to live your new life, finding your new happiness here in this world. Because that's what he want you to do from now on."

It was then that (Y/n) and everyone heard a sniffling sound behind him. Morgan broke down and weeps in sadness after hearing his words, hugging tighter to him and not wanting to let go. Artoria wanted to comfort her sister, but she gets preceded by Mash and Kiyo, who hugs her by the side.

"We also missed Ritsuka, Morgan. But we have to move on. Like Senpai said, he wants us to be happy in the new world." Mash said, which Kiyo agreed.

"I have to move on from my Berserker self if it means for our happiness, Morgan. I love (Y/n)-sama just as much as I love Ritsuka in the past." She said.

"(Y/n), everyone..." Artoria mumbled, silently thanking him for comforting her sister. (Y/n) then looks at her in the eyes.

"So, once all this is done, we can go to (City/n) and start over. I'd even give you a tour for you and the knights alone. Whatd'ya say?" (Y/n) then offered with a smile. Morgan wipes her tears off her cheek and nods weakly.

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