Day 16-1 - To Lake Kuru!

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It's the day of the trip. All third year students are now gathered at Hevendor High's Parking Lot, where they're doing a final preparation before they can truly begin their trip.

"Alright, all of the necessities, check. Alice, did you finish checking your stuff?" (Y/n) called his daughter, which she just closed her duffle bag.

"I just did, Papa!" She replied. Speaking of Alice, many students are at awe of how cute she is, but also were confused of (Y/n) being her father. But with a swift "She's adopted.", they quickly understood and leave it at that. With this, Gudako and Mash have volunteered to be her guardian alongside him, which the little girl accepts.

"Then how about we lift the bags into the bus?" Mash then said, which Alice quickly nod and does so with the Kouhai. Back to (Y/n), he's also lifting his bags, until he got approached by someone.

"It appears that you are doing fine, my dear Student." He quickly turned to see Morgana waving at him.

"Hello, Miss Morgana! I am, thank you." He replied. "How about you? Are you still nervous about the trip?" He then asked, which the teacher briefly dart away before facing him.

"While I am still nervous about the whole ordeal, I will do my best to guide you all throughout the trip." She said with determination. He then smiled before giving a thumbs up.

"Then good luck, Miss!" He cheered. Morgana then being called by her fellow homeroom teacher, which she promptly leave. (Y/n) looks at the leaving teacher before being poked from behind by his certain girlfriend.

"Hehe~ I can't wait for our lake date, (Y/n)-sama~" Kiyo said. (Y/n) in return simply sighs and pats her head, making her hum in enjoyment.

"At least after we do our school activities, alright?" He said, which Kiyo then nods in understanding, and leave him for her friends. As soon as she left however, he noticed two people are behind him, grinning at the earlier scene.

"Rabbit and Kiyo, sitting near the lake, K-I-S-S-" Gentoki's tease were then getting interrupted by (Y/n)'s sudden elbow to his stomach, surprising the two, especially Gentoki. "Y-you're getting more and more bolder, Rabbit."

"I am?" (Y/n) tilts his head, making the boys chuckle at his confusion.

Moments later, the homeroom teachers then lead the students to enter the bus in orderly fashion. In this case, our protagonist sits with Alice and Gudako. with the little girl sitting on Gudako's lap.

"Looks like she's excited for the trip, huh Bestie." Gudako said.

"Eh, it's more like she's excited to go with me." (Y/n) replied, with Alice humming in agreement. Gudako chuckles and starts hugging the little girl, as the bus begin to move and the long trip begins.

On the way, (Y/n) take a glance towards outside, as the bus begin entering the highway.

'Hopefully nothing weird will happen...' He thought before returning to watch over Alice.

A major Timeskippu! Featuring Mash and Kiyo talking about the date with (Y/n) later!

After two hours of non-stop driving, everyone have finally arrived at the point of interest, Lake Kuru! The three busses then parked near the entrance where the students and the teachers begin walking out of the bus with their belongings. Everyone then look at the Lake itself and begin aweing at the sight.

 Everyone then look at the Lake itself and begin aweing at the sight

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