Day 11-1 - Let's Try Bonding with your Kidnapper!

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The next morning, (Y/n) woke up with a feeling of tiredness with him, despite having a good night sleep. Another thing he realized is that he felt Morgan is hugging him too tight compared to how he used to her hugs. He tries to squirm himself away from the hug, but to no avail. Luckily, it made the Queen stir from her sleep.

"Mmh... My dear?" She said, half-awake.

"Mi- Morgan... I'm awake." (Y/n) said. Once she's fully awake, she realizes what he meant and looses her hug on him.

"Forgive me, my dear. It was a bit cold last night." She apologized. However, it was a lie, because in truth, she begin to act more possessively towards the protagonist after her trip through his memories last night.

"I understand." (Y/n) replied. The two moved on to have breakfast together at the dining room, but once again, the protagonist went quiet there when Barghest carries their food. When she sees him, she can't help but wanted to talk to him, but she doesn't want to scare him even more. Morgan noticed her Knight's attitude and puts down her utensils.

"Barghest?" She called the Knight.

"M-My Queen!" The Knight straighten herself. It will be risky for Morgan of what she'll say next, but it's important to help her future husband getting friendly with her Knights.

"I will be off later after the breakfast. I entrust you and Melusine of watching over my dear for the day." This surprised both the Knight and (Y/n), to the point he dropped his fork in shock.

"M-morgan..." He stuttered, still in fear of Barghest and the others. But the Queen simply pats his head in comfort.

"I promise you that my Knights will not harm you. All I ask in return is to have a little faith in them." She assured the boy. "And I have to leave you for today, because I have a promise to fulfill." She referring to the promise that she made back on yesterday.

"I-I'll try..." (Y/n) regained his composure while grabbing the dropped fork and wiping it with the tissue. For Barghest, she secretly thankful that her Queen helped her and Melusine's goal of befriending the boy.

"Now let's eat, shall we?" Morgan then said, now lifting a spoonful of her food. "Now please, open wide~" The Queen begin spoon-feeding him in affection, while (Y/n) simply accepted it, which the Knight swooned at the sight before leaving the two alone.

Minor Timeskippu!

After the breakfast, (Y/n) and Morgan are at the main foyer, where the latter are preparing her leaving. Morgan then hugs him for one last time before kneeling to him.

"I will return as soon as I finished, my dear. I'm sorry that I can't allow you to leave my castle, but I assure you that my Knights will entertain you for the time being." She said.

"They won't hurt me, right?"

"I already promised you that. For the very least, be friends with Barghest. She cares about your wellbeing despite her stature." Morgan then stood up before opening the door with magecraft, which revealed that the outside is a dark portal for her to enter. "Now then, I'll be off, my dear."

"... Stay safe." (Y/n) said, even though he didn't have any reason to say it, but it made the Queen smile before leaving him through the portal. Now alone, (Y/n) sighs as he turns around and sees Barghest, now in her casual outfit, waiting for him.

 Now alone, (Y/n) sighs as he turns around and sees Barghest, now in her casual outfit, waiting for him

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