Day 11-3 - To Know Each Other

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Previously, Baobhan Sith stormed into Melusine's room where her feelings have reached its peak, with her now holding our protagonist's collar as she glares at him.

"What are you playing?! Are you acting friendly to them now so you can try to escape from us and Mother?!"

Her fellow Knights looked at Baobhan before glancing at (Y/n), while the latter is surprised of the revelation that Baobhan brought.

"Wait, Mother?" He said, but Baobhan isn't having any of it.

"Don't try to change the subject!" She snapped. Barghest cautiously approaches them to calm the tension down.

"Now now, Baobhan. (Y/n) is already starting to open up to us. Shouldn't that be a good thing for us and her Majesty?" She reasoned, and the ruby Archer loosen her grasps before pushing him away and ran. (Y/n) looked at the open door and wonders.

"Did I do something wrong?" He said.

"Baobhan Sith is adamant that what she did was right. That includes her plan of us attacking your Heroic Spirit friends." Melusine explained, as she wipes the stain off his shirt.

"She... planned it?" (Y/n) muttered after learning the fact. It made him remembered memories of two days ago, and looks down in sadness. The two Knights notices his change of mood and lays their hand on his shoulders.

"We were against the idea at first, but Baobhan claimed that it would ensure her Majesty's happiness, so we have no choice but to follow her plan." Barghest added, "We won't expect any forgiveness from you for that, but we want to make amends."

Looking at the two Knights' remorseful faces, (Y/n) is confused of what to do now. Then, something within his mind hit him. A memory from the past kidnapping. He closed his eyes for a moment before standing up, making the Knights notice. "I'll go find her." He said, before leaving the room. As he did, he heard footsteps, learning that the Knights are also joining him.

"We'll go with you." Melusine said. With a nod from the protagonist, the three then head off to find Baobhan Sith's room.

At said room,

The ruby Archer is sitting on her bed, hugging the plushie of a white giant while holding her tears.

"I didn't do anything wrong..." She mumbled underneath the plushie. "What I did is for Mother's sake... I should not feel guilty about this..." While the Archer kept on sobbing, a door knock is heard from the outside.

"Go away!" She shouted at the door, believing that it's one of her fellow Knights outside. "I don't need any of your scolding! The only one who can scold me is Mother and her alone!"

"...Miss Baobhan?" Her eyes widened of hearing the voice. Instead of the Knights, it was (Y/n) waiting in front of her room. Her emotions are still unsettled, thus she went quiet.

Outside, (Y/n) is waiting for her response, but the two Knights know how Baobhan is feeling right now.

"I'm afraid that she won't open the door. As she said, only her Highness can make her do so right now." Barghest said. (Y/n) sighs as he instead gets closer to the door.

"Baobhan... I'm not mad at you." He said, "I just want to talk to you. I promise that I won't try to run away."

Back inside, the Archer is still hugging at the plushie, hearing what he said. Despite the assurance, Baobhan is wary of him, thinking that it's a false promise. Outside however, (Y/n) is still waiting for her, hoping that she at least unlocked the door.

"She won't be persuaded by words, sir (Y/n)." Melusine said. Despite her words, (Y/n) continued talking.

"Y'know... Morgan... is actually nice. I won't lie, but she can be a great mom." He said, surprising everyone, even Baobhan inside. "It's just... it feels weird that I'd be her husband when I'm still a teenager, and that she's... well, an adult. But through all the times I'm with her, I can't help but to see her as a mom, but I don't want to admit it to her."

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