Day 9-2 - Kidnap Situation, but Worse

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With school now ending for the day, our Protagonist and Gudako are walking out of school together, recapping their lessons of the day. As they exit the building, Mash and Kiyo are waiting for (Y/n) near the gate.

"Senpai!/(Y/n)-sama~" They greeted.

"Hi girls. Want to walk home together?" (Y/n) offers, which Kiyo respond by quickly holding his hand, while Mash simply goes to his other side.

"Of course~" Kiyo said.

"I hope you don't mind us, Gudako-san." Mash then said, which Gudako doesn't mind. The four then continue their way home with Kiyo snuggling his hand as usual. Behind them however, is Artoria, who is watching them leaving the school together.

'I still don't know much about this world, but...' She then shrugs her shoulders, 'At least it'll be better than waiting for that incubus.' Artoria then followed them in secret.

On their way, the four students reminisce their time at Kivotos, as Mash recalls her time of exploring the standees back at the event, while the King of Knights listens to their conversation from afar, being more intrigue as she learns more about what she heard.

"And then, we met Sensei." She said, "And surprisingly, he knows Senpai thanks to the student list that Mr. Hojo sent, and even as far as knowing that we're from another world."

"No wonder why he's that friendly when we first met." (Y/n) said. "I thought he might point at me and tell me that I'm an impostor."

"Ugh, really Bestie?" Gudako groaned, knowing what he's going for as her best friend just chuckles. She then remembered something thanks to Mash's story. "By the way, you haven't told me about your little Isekai mishap earlier."

"Should it be now?" (Y/n) said, not feeling ready of telling her the story, but Gudako waves her hand for him to not take it seriously.

"Well, if you want to. Just a summary is fine. You can tell the full version when you're ready." Upon hearing that, (Y/n) relaxed a bit, and with the two girlfriends supporting him, he began telling her about what happened back at the first bo-


A sudden giant explosion occurred in front of them, but it was at least far enough that none of the students are harmed. The four recover themselves from the shock, with Mash looking over Gudako for any injuries.

"(Y/n)-sama! Are you alright?!" Kiyo cried while looking at her boyfriend, which is again, relatively unharmed.

"I'm alright, but what was that?" He said. From the smokes of the explosion site, three figures emerged, walking towards the four. The students then gets a clear view of the perpetrator, with Mash, Gudako, and Artoria being shocked of who it is.

 The students then gets a clear view of the perpetrator, with Mash, Gudako, and Artoria being shocked of who it is

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