Day 12-3 - Resolutions

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Previously, the Heroic Spirits have defeated the Fairy Knights and is now on their way to find (Y/n). But before I can tell the tale of Artoria's fight with Morgan, we're heading back to the mind of (Y/n) himself.

Mindscape, (Y/n)'s/Gudao's room,

"So that's how it is... I guess Morgan still can't let go of the past."

(Y/n) has just finished retelling everything he gone through with the Heroic Spirits of his world. From meeting Kiyo, to being kidnapped by Sakura, and now, with Morgan and the Fairy Knights kidnapped him, he told the abridged version of it to the ex-Master. Gudao then took a deep breath as he processing all that he heard.

"Quite a story, really. You're not a Master but you ended up attracting many Serv- I mean Spirits to you." Gudao concluded.

"With what the Goddess did to me, I guess that's how it is." (Y/n) said, before looking back at the Seal on his hand. "So this is what she meant by the aura of a similar person... No wonder." He recalled the moment where the Goddess explained the reasons behind the attraction of Heroic Spirits to him.

"But still, for you to have both Kiyohime and Mash as your girlfriends, you're quite lucky." Gudao chuckled at the thought of (Y/n) dating the most sane Kouhai and the least yandere Berserker. "But... I'm happy that Mash finally got her happiness."

"Um, thanks...?" (Y/n) awkwardly replied.

"Anyway, back to the topic on hand." Gudao picks a cookie from the plate and munches on it. "Morgan is planning on using you, knowing that you have my Seal. Knowing her strength, she might brainwash you to forget your family and make you follow her forever. Heck, she might turn you into me physically."

"Wait, that's just how Sakura did it!" (Y/n) pointed out.

"Oh right, it really is like that." Gudao remembered, "But unlike Sakura... or BB, she did try lulling you into the sense of safety and tries to gain your trust. I guess she grew impatient and decided to use force instead." He deduced from (Y/n)'s story about Morgan's plan.

"Then what should I do? I don't think I can reason to her anymore..." (Y/n) asked before looking down in lament, "Just like Sakura..."

Gudao looked at the protagonist and pats his shoulder. "Then it's up to the Seal. Order her to stop and reason her."

"The Seal?" (Y/n) raised the Seal to Gudao again, which he nods.

"The Command Seal isn't just a power-up for Servants to use their Noble Phantasms, but it's also a definitive proof of authority. Any Servants that's bound to your Seal will stop and do whatever you say. Although..." Gudao puts his finger on his chin, thinking of (Y/n)'s circumstances, "You didn't make a contract with her, but with your story with the battle at the Moon Cell, you can make it work."

(Y/n) looks at the Seal and clenches his hand, now knowing what to do. "Alright, I'll try."

Gudao smiled at (Y/n)'s determination, feeling that it reminded him of himself back when he's a Master from Chaldea. The room then begin shifting, with the boys believing that their time together will end soon.

"Good luck then." Gudao said as he stood up. "Ah, before I go, promise me this." (Y/n) then tilts his head, waiting for Gudao's promise, "First, don't tell anyone about me. I know they missed me, but it's for the best that they move on, and second..."

When Gudao said the last promise, everything went white.

Within a room, somewhere in the Castle,

(Y/n) is waking up from his unconsciousness, rubbing his eyes in tiredness. He then looks around and realizes that he's in Morgan's room. He then looks at his hand, with the Seal proudly glowing on the back, before clenching it and gets off the bed, heading straight to the door. When he tries to open it, the door wouldn't budge.

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