Day 2-3 - Resolving the Past

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Inside the (L/n) household, are (Y/n) and his family having dinner together. Sitting alongside them are Gudako, who is eyeing on them while eating her share of spaghetti as part of the housewarming plans for her. Seeing that her best friend being surrounded by Heroic Spirits is a big shocking revelation for her, considering her past. After finishing the last of her spaghetti, she thanked Scarlet for the food, before facing her best friend.

"Um, Bestie..." She starts asking him,

"Hm?" (Y/n) replied while taking a drink.

"Just curious. How did you meet them anyway?" She asked while referring to his family. Putting down his glass, he faces Gudako while replying,

"Well... It's a mix of both coincidence and that they just want to stay here." He said, recalling his times of meeting them for the first time.

"I can confirm that. After a small shenanigan, he let me stay here while I was in a house arrest. While I'm just doing the punishment, but it instead made me want to be his big sister instead~" Scarlet added. Gudako meanwhile imagines how it went while nodding.

"Papa let me stay here after running away from the media, and he even adopted me, so I'm grateful for that." Alice chirped as well, smiling at her adoptive father. Again, making Gudako nod.

"We've met at the card shop in a tournament, and he let me stay here while I study at Hevendor with kare." Veil joined in as well.

"Boss let me stay here after I was crash-landed on Earth, and also taught some of the customs of this planet." Altria explained as well, finishing the backstory for the Heroic Spirits who lived with him. Gudako finishes her nods while understanding all of their stories, before asking again.

"But Bestie, aren't you aware that they're Heroic Spirits?" She asked, which (Y/n) just shrugs.

"Actually, yeah. But I don't really mind it too much." He replied while continuing his drink. However, Gudako slammed the desk, not believing his words, which surprised him.

"But they're some of the famous historic figures in the entire history! How are you being so calm about it, knowing that they're basically superhumans?!" Gudako yelled. (Y/n) put down his glass before sighing.

"... I don't even know that they are Heroic Spirits when I met them. Heck, I don't even know what that is until before Summer." He replied, recalling the Museum Trip with Mash, where she revealed the concept there. However, no matter how hard she sees him, Gudako can see that he's being honest with it. Even his family, who are the very people that Gudako claimed as, kept quiet without minding too much about it.

"... I see..." She concluded, not wanting to continue it any further. She then faces the Heroic Spirits before slightly bowing at them. "I'm sorry for the outburst. It's just... overwhelming for me." She apologized.

"As long as you get used to it, we don't mind." Scarlet said. "However, it is a rule here that we use our new names here, as we just want to enjoy our life here normally." She then explained.

'A rule, huh...' Gudako thought. 'I wonder if that's a rule for every Heroic Spirits here...'

"And with that, I'll be the one who say this. Welcome to the neighborhood, Bestie." (Y/n) announced with a smile. Gudako looked around to see the Heroic Spirits giving the same welcoming vibe as the host (save from Veil who acts her usual tsundere self). For her, there's no need to argue it anymore, as she believe that the Heroic Spirits are just like her, living their lives normally. 

"I'll be in your care, everyone!"

Minor Timeskippu!

"Don't forget to check the StudentGate, alright? Your class is shown there."

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