Day 2-2 - Full of Disbelieves

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After carrying the stack of papers to the History Clubroom, (Y/n) and Gudako parted ways from Mash who are going to sort them up. Before leaving, Mash gives (Y/n) a kiss on the cheek, much to the shock of Gudako, while the boy is just blushing as usual. After saying the goodbyes, the two students went exploring the building as (Y/n) explains the rooms and facilities around the school. But for Gudako, she's still not getting over of how Mash kissed her best friend's cheek.

"... Are you two dating?!" She yelled in disbelief, which (Y/n) just rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah... I was surprised about that, but Mash assured that she doesn't mind that we're going on a slow yet steady relationship." He explained. Gudako looked away from her friend, lamenting of something, but also being proud of him.

"I'm happy for you." She said. As they keep walking, a tall figure is walking towards the two, but the sight ended up making the protagonist shivers at their sight, making him stop on his tracks.

"What's wrong?" Gudako asked in concern. The figure's view gets more clearer as she sees the two, but ended up focusing on (Y/n) in particular.

"Ah, (Y/n)-kun!" She speeds up their walk, and Gudako went eyes wide of the identity of the person.

"R-Raikou!" She yelled, and Raikou... or rather Kaori, stopped in front of them and faces (Y/n). The boy meanwhile is still tense of the sight of the one that kidnapped him once, but to his and Gudako's surprise, the girl gets lower to the point that she's doing a dogeza.

"I'm terribly sorry!" She said, confusing the two. "I don't know what came over me, but I kidnapped you and tied you away. Even if I didn't want to do it, but something made me do it anyway."

"Wait, what the heck?" Gudako gawked, but (Y/n) stay silent, still don't know what to do.

"Even so, I take full responsibility of my action, so please, punish me as you see fit!" She continued. Gudako went from surprise to shock seeing that the most powerful mystic slayer turned into an apologetic mess. For (Y/n) however, he walked closer to Kaori despite Gudako's attempt to not do anything stupid, before kneeling to her level and patted her head.

"K-kaori-san?" He started, but the Student Council President didn't budge, thus he continued. "Even though you gave me a brief trauma, seeing you apologizing is enough. I forgive you."

"But... what I did is a grave mistake... I'm aware that you're actively trying to avoid me." Kaori said, making (Y/n) rub his arm as he didn't mean to avoid her like a plague.

"I'm sorry... It's just that I'm afraid that you might do it again, but now..." He then patted Kaori's shoulder, trying to cheer her up as she looks upon him. "I feel alright now that you apologized from the bottom of your heart." He said while assuring her..

"(Y/n)-kun..." Kaori mumbled.

"So please, I won't punish you, Kaori-san. All I ask is to don't do it again." He said firmly. With that said, Kaori slowly gets up before kneeling to him, acting like how a knight kneels before their king, making Gudako shocked by the scene.

"With my True Name, Minamoto no Raikou, as my witness, I, Kaori Yoshimitsu, will swear to not to do it ever again, intentional or otherwise!" She declared.

"Holy crap..." Gudako awed at the sight. 'It's like she's declaring her role as a Servant...'

"Thank you, Kaori-san." (Y/n) said with a smile. After the declaration, Kaori then stood upward before fidgeting.

"... Umm, I know that I already apologized, but may I ask a selfish request?" She asked.

"What is it?"

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