Day Extra - One Week Later

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It's been a week since (Y/n)'s return to (City/n), and all in all, it feels like it's like any normal day for him. For starters, he gets questioned by his family as they're worried sick about him. Alice now starts following him while Altria is busy working on a device to protect him. The Global Police (with the help from Tsukasa) then puts him into a high priority on protection, to prevent things like kidnapping to ever happen again.

On school, he learned that Mash and Kiyo got transferred to his class, with Mash in particular have advanced in grade by the Principal's Orders. The reason why? Again, for his protection, but unlike his usual fare, he's more concerning than feeling a bit trollish that day. Did (Y/n) mind about it? Yes, but he then remembers that it's no use. At least it makes him closer to his girlfriends, while keeping his way of becoming a better boyfriend for them.

His friends at Casual Gamers Club meanwhile asked him when they see him back to school, asking usual stuff like where was he or why didn't he tell them about his absence. (Y/n) secretly thankful that his friends don't aware of the truth about his missing. Kev meanwhile also asked, but when he sees (Y/n)'s faded Command Seal, he stuttered before walking away, while mumbling: "Why now?!", much to (Y/n)'s confusion.

Before I could forgot, Artoria already left the group, due to her wanting to explore (City/n) but didn't get the chance since the whole Morgan ordeal. Nevertheless, they wished her good luck on their trip.

Even after all of that, (Y/n) often wonders how Morgan and the Knights are doing. He doesn't know the full concept of the Throne of Heroes, but he thought that it's like a place where Heroic Spirits do their Heroic Spirit things. Even so, he still waits for them to return properly, hoping that this time, they'll meet him without any hostilities or obsessions whatsoever.


Today is Wednesday, and it's as normal as it can get. Wake up, shower, have breakfast with family, give some affection to his daughter and big sister, cheer his otherworldly housemate, and go to school with his friend, best friend, and girlfriend. Once arrived at his school, meet the kouhai, and walk to class together. Other students feel jealous about the sight of an average joe walking together with four beauties, but they didn't mind a bit. After arriving at his class, he meet his friends and talk about yesterday's new stuff while waiting for class to start.

"We should go try building some model kits!" Gentoki enthusiastically suggests.

"Model kits? Like Gundam?" (Y/n) raised his eyebrows.

"Gunpla. Gundam is the name of the anime series." Soichi corrected, "But I do agree with Bat's idea. We could start building one and display it on our clubroom to make it look more appealing."

"Then it's Geetaku today?" (Y/n) then asked.

"Yep! I've been meaning to buy a new Gunpla for a while now. I heard that the new Gundam from the new anime is now in stock, so I'm pumped to buy one!" Gentoki said.

"But do you have any tools for us to build?" Soichi asked his friend, which Gentoki sweats.

"I... uhh..." He mumbles nervously, making Soichi sighs.

"Alright, we'll buy the nippers too, and then we'll build it at the store." Soichi suggests, which the boys agreed. It was then that the school bell rings, prompting all students to go to their seats. Moments later, the homeroom teacher enters the room, but today, she didn't bring her laptop and such, making students whispers about what it's about.

"Morning students! I guess you're wondering why I didn't bring my laptop today." She said, knowing that the students are gossiping about it. "Well, I should've said this since yesterday, but this week will be my final week being your homeroom teacher." Everyone went silent before starting an uproar of confusion.

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