Day 11-4 - True Reason

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For the first time since his arrival, (Y/n), Morgan, and the three Fairy Knights are having dinner at the same table, thanks to our protagonist now no longer afraid of the Knights. Suffice to say, Morgan is very happy about this, especially when she sees his genuine happy face for the first time.

"I haven't said this yet, but thanks for the great food, Barghest!" He said to the giant Knight, making her swoon.

"You're very welcome, (Y/n)! I shall keep preparing these grand feasts for you!" She replied proudly.

"That's one way to motivate her." Melusine joked. "Even though her cooking is already that good to begin with." Which Baobhan then giggled in agreement.

As everyone continues eating, Morgan is the first to finish. After wiping her lips, she turned her gaze to (Y/n).

"My dear. How are you feeling?" She said. (Y/n) swallows his food before replying,

"I'm good. The Knights are quite friendly despite... y'know." He was hesitant of recalling the attack, before shaking his head. "But I'm glad that we're friends." The sentence made the Knights turn to him and smiled.

"That's great to hear." Morgan said. "It shows that my Knights, despite their flaws, are noble in many sense."

"I can understand that." He remarked while drinking his glass of water. Now that he's with Morgan, it's a perfect time for him to ask the Queen about something. "Miss Morgan, can I ask you something?"

"Ask me anything, my dear." Morgan replied, waiting for his question.

"Well... Do you really like me?"

"Whatever do you mean, my dear? I truly love you." Morgan replied, confused of what he meant.

"I know, but I just want to set this straight." (Y/n) is a bit nervous about what he'll say next, but he mustered his courage to say it. "The truth is... I already have a girlfriend."

Everyone in the room went silent after hearing his revelation, with the Knights being shock of it. However, Morgan is unfazed by it, as she already knew about it beforehand.

"I know, my dear." She said, but her voice now in monotone, and the Knights are in alert because of it. (Y/n) however is now starting to get nervous, as Morgan stood up. "I truly know what you mean, my dear. However, I cannot accept that fact."

"Morgan?" (Y/n) said, now slowly backing away.

"Hush, my dear. I'm not angry of you." As Morgan keeps getting closer, the Knights begin standing in between them, attempting to stop their Queen.

"Your Majesty, you're scaring him." Barghest said, but Morgan gave a glare that forced the Knight to move away. Melusine also tries to stop her, but is forced to move by the Queen's glare.

"Mother!" Baobhan now tries to stop her, but like the two before her, she was forced to move. Then, with a single blink, her eyes glowed red and the Knights went to her side, without any objections nor response, scaring our protagonist even more.

"Morgan, wait!" He tries to talk to her, but the Queen keeps walking, menacingly.

"Hush, my dear." She said. (Y/n) is now cornered against a wall, as Morgan stopped in front of him very closely, almost face to face. He even can feel her breath coming down to him. "I gave my love to you. I fulfilled my promise. Is that not enough to accept my love?"

(Y/n) is now return having flashbacks of Ferunia, but he pressed on and tries reasoning her.

"I know! But I just want to set it straight! If anything, I see you as a mom more than anything!" Morgan stares at him, baffled of what he just said. (Y/n) however has his face reddened in embarrassment.

"I see." Morgan said, now holding his chin to make him face her. "A mother... how hilarious. So my love is that of a motherly love to you..." Despite saying something that's more casual, it instead make (Y/n) more terrified of her. "However, my love for you... is absolute."

Suddenly, (Y/n)'s body goes numb, as he then falls onto her but is still awake.

"M-morgan?" He said, still terrified. The Queen holds him, still keeping him facing her straight to her face.

"I did not come to this world without a purpose." She said, "If I mistaken you as a normal person, I would let you go. However, you are not a normal person."

"How were you able to gather many Heroic Spirits... that of which similar to summoning them from the Throne... is something that only someone that I know dear can achieve... at least, back then." Morgan then lifts his left hand, and as she expected, a red glowing tattoo appeared on it, and it's on a shape that she knows well.

"That's..." (Y/n) muttered, doesn't believing what he sees right now.

'Ritsuka Fujimaru... Ritsuka Fujimaru!' Her Madness Enhancement that came from her Berserker side then fills her mind upon seeing the Seal, with memories of said person flashing in as well. Before she gets mad even further, she stopped herself and releases his hand.

"My dear... you are not normal. You have the Seal. A Seal that is belonged to someone in the past. Someone that should've been my husband." She explained. "And now, I have no choice but to see you as him. You will become my husband, and you have no saying in objecting!" Her last sentence started to make our protagonist losing consciousness.

"Mor...gan..." Is (Y/n)'s last words before falling unconscious. Morgan then carries him, and smiles upon his sleeping face before walking back to her room.

"Sleep well, my dear. The day of our union will come tomorrow. When that day comes, we will be together... for eternity."

(Endgame is near.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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