Day 6-1 - Let the Games Begin!

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The next morning, Millennium Science Academy, Main Field,

It was a packed morning at the field, with students waiting in anticipation for the ceremony to begin. In addition, there are two news reporters that are reporting the current event live.

"Gooooood Morning, Kivotos! Shinon here will bring you the exclusive coverage to the Schale Gaming Competition, right here at Millennium Science Academy along with my partner, Mai-senpai!"

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"Gooooood Morning, Kivotos! Shinon here will bring you the exclusive coverage to the Schale Gaming Competition, right here at Millennium Science Academy along with my partner, Mai-senpai!"

"Gooooood Morning, Kivotos! Shinon here will bring you the exclusive coverage to the Schale Gaming Competition, right here at Millennium Science Academy along with my partner, Mai-senpai!"

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"That's right! With five schools competing in various types of games, we'll see which one who'll bring home the Schale Cup. But that's not all, there's a new school from beyond Kivotos who'll compete for the first time ever! I wonder how would they fare with even Millennium..."

In one of the rooms that lead to the main field, the Hevendorians are getting themselves ready for their appearance at the games, with Mr. Hojo overseeing them while finishing the final preparation for the games.

"You guys remember what to do?" Tomoe said while tying her ponytail.

"Me and Akira will be playing the Smash-like doubles." (Y/n) said with Akira nodding.

"Me, Megane, Gentoki, and Soichi will be playing the CS-like game." The cool girl said, with the boys fist pumping each other, while the now-named glasses girl groans at their antics.

"And I'll be playing for the Street Fighter-like game. I hope they have a character that's a copy of Guile." Tomoe concluded. While they finished preparing themselves, (Y/n) then turned to Mr. Hojo to ask something.

"Oh yeah, where are Gudako and the others?" He asked the advisor, with him putting down the clipboard.

"They said that they're exploring the event together, but they do promised to cheer for us whenever we're featured." Mr. Hojo replied. Just in time, the intercom announces the group that the opening ceremony will begin, making the Advisor clap their hands to gain attention from the others. "Alright, students. Form a line, because it's showtime!"

(Most of) The students gather around and places their hand on top of each other, and throws them upward to get themselves pumped up for the games.


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