Day 24 (Finale) - Graduation, and Future Times Ahead

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A few weeks later, on the second Friday of January...

Graduation Day, the final part of Highschool students' long journey. It's the day where they get their diplomas and went off with a big smile on their faces, as their next part of their journey of life awaits.

Within Hevendor High's Auditorium, where the fateful confession took place before, (Y/n) and his friends are waiting for the all-important presentation, where they'll get their diplomas.

"It's weird to think that I'm only been here for a year, yet here I am graduating with you guys." (Y/n) remarked.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Soichi commented, which (Y/n) shakes his head.

"No, not like that. Truth to be told, I got here because my old Principal made a bet on bringing me here. I was upset at first, but now, that's all in the past." (Y/n) then admitted, surprising Gentoki in particular.

"What kind of bet, man?!" He then asked our protagonist.

"A big gold statue of myself." (Y/n) flatly answered.

"Damn... did he do it?" Gentoki asked again.

"Eh, I don't really care about it anymore." (Y/n) dismissed it, already no longer caring about the whole debacle. "Besides, I'm actually glad to be here, and I'm glad that I met you two, my best friends." He then smiled at the two, making the boys grin in return.

"You got that right, Rabbit." Gentoki said, offering a fist bump which (Y/n) does so in return.

"And thank you for being our best friend. Our third year would be the same if you didn't transfer here." Soichi then said.

"He's right. If anything, you're the bro-est of us bros." Gentoki then added, making (Y/n) chuckle at the remark. Moments later, the ceremony began, with Vice Principal Merlina leading the procedures of the events. Principal Merlin then came to the stage, as he's the main person who'll do the most important event: The Diploma Presentation.

As names being called one by one, (Y/n) took a glance at the outside audience, seeing his Heroic Spirit Family watching him with smiles on their face. He then looked at the girl side of the student audience, with Kiyo, Mash, Veil, and Gudako all talking to each other. They then noticed (Y/n) looking at them, in which they waved in return.

After looking at his most important people in his new life, he reminisce the last year of events since his first arrived at (City/n): His encounter and chase with Scarlet, Alice's adoption, the Duel with Veil, the icy encounter with Altria, the Sakura Isekai adventure, Kiyo and Mash's confession, Gudako's arrival, the trip to Kivotos, the event with Miss Morgana and her daughters, the camping trip with Tia, and finally Gudako's confession.

All of these events mean everything for him, and he couldn't be more grateful for the Goddess' ploy of bringing him to (City/n).

"... And finally, (Y/n) (L/n)."

His name is called, and he looked at his friends, who already gotten their diplomas. He took a deep breath before coming up to the stage. Once there, Merlin removed his cap before patting his head, being proud of our protagonist's accomplishment.

"Congratulations, boy. You earned it."

Merlin then offer him his diploma, which (Y/n) gratefully accepts. After shaking hands with the Principal, he then return to his seat, with everyone and the audience clapping and cheering in celebration.

"And with that, it is the end of the ceremony." Merlin then said, "To all graduates, for whatever your future goal will be, I wish you all the brightest future ahead!"

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