Day 1-1 - Back to School with a Dash of Information

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"Nghh... Really?" Is the very first thing that our protagonist, (Y/n) (L/n), mumbled while slowly getting up from his bed. He grabbed his phone and stare at it, before turning off the random alarm noises app and throwing it away. Needless to say, he got enough rickroll for the morning.

After his usual shower, he goes down to see his family and roommates doing their normal activities. Two people are watching an anime at the living room, while the other two cooking some breakfast at the kitchen.

"Morning, everyone." He greeted, and immediately, the two girls who are watching the anime turned to him to greet back at him.

"Morning, Papa!" The short white-haired one, who is (Y/n)'s adoptive daughter, Alice (L/n), greeted back.

"Ohayo." The other yet taller white-haired one, his housemate and classmate, Aveilter 'Veil' D'Arc, also greeted back in her usual Japanese way.

Now downstairs, (Y/n) went to the dining room to see two other people cooking breakfast together.

"Morning." He greeted the two.

"Ah, morning Boss!" The blonde otherworldly housemate, Altira Xaver, greeted back while flipping some fried egg.

"Morning, (Y/n)-kun~" And finally, the maroon-haired big sister of the household, Scarlet Skadinger, greeted back while finishing making the fried rice. She turned off the stove before giving him a big hug, which he just chuckle at this point. (Y/n) looked at the dish she's making and recognizes it.

"Fried rice this morning? That's new." He said.

"I just learned the recipe. Gotta have some variety sometimes." Scarlet replied, before pointing at Altria with her thumb. "And Altria here wanted to help, so I let her do the extra bits."

"I want to try cooking some Earth food. I hope that it'll be good for you all." Altria said in embarrassment, but Scarlet patted her back in assurance.

"You did a good job, so I can assure you that it'll be good." She said, making the Saberian blush in compliment.

"That's great of you. Can't wait to try it." (Y/n) also complimented the Saberian, adding more embarrassment for her, which the two chuckles at the sight.

Sometime later, everyone gathered around the table, trying the duo's new breakfast item, and as expected, they all enjoyed it.

"Glad that everyone like it. Maybe I should make it every week." Scarlet suggested, which everyone agreed. After breakfast, everyone except Scarlet are preparing to start their day outside. Alice putting on her shoes, Altria grabbing her cap and bag, and (Y/n) and Veil waiting outside. The first to go being Alice, who is being picked up by the local Global Police Officer, Officer Tsukasa, who is now waiting outside.

"Did you enjoyed your summer break?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's kind of refreshing compared to my hometown." (Y/n) replied, as he pat Alice's head, which is a part of their daily routine. After saying goodbye, Alice went inside the car before being driven away with the Officer. Next up being Altria, who is walking out of the house and gives him a two finger salute.

"See you later, Boss!" She said before heading out, which he waves in return. Finally, (Y/n) and Veil are walking out of the frontyard as Scarlet wave them goodbye before closing the door. Now outside, the two starts walking to their school, Hevendor High.

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