Special - A Glimpse Towards the Future

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December 31st, Principal Merlin's Office,

It's eleven-thirty nearing the New Years Eve, and Merlin has just finished the last batch of paperwork with the help of Merlina. Sipping his cup of coffee, he then stretches after a job well done for him.

"Just half an hour until new years..." He said. "And I don't have any energy to do some V-tubing. Shame, really. My fans are waiting for the New Year stream."

"Then how about we look at the future?" Merlina chimed, while putting down the finished paperwork into the drawer. "Honestly, now that he's aware of Heroic Spirits and that Ritsuka's here, I'm curious of what kind of future will he bring."

Merlin stared at the Prototype self, dumbfounded of her seemingly innocent request. He's aware that both of them can do Clairvoyance on their own, but...

"... Grab some popcorn, will you?" He said, and with a swing of her staff, a large bucket of buttered popcorn appeared right in front of them. Merlin then grabbed a projector and pointed it towards the door, giving them a screen to see the Clairvoyance.

"Alright, here goes..." Merlin closed his eyes while projecting the visions through the projector that's powered by Magecraft. The first thing they see is Ritsuka Fujimaru surrounded with Heroic Spirits that both of the protagonist knows well.

"Of course, this should be expected." Merlina remarked. "Knowing they're neighbors and all, I feel like little Gudako would get used to them."

The second vision features four shadowy figures standing right in front of Hevendor High. They have varying heights, with the remarkable one being a muscular build and one with a long silver hair.

"... You've got to be kidding me." Merlin groaned.

"Something up with them?" Merlina asked.

"Of all the ones who are actively seeking for a Master, it have to be those four..." Her male self complained. "Even worse is that she's still thinking that she'll be his proclaimed wife..."

The next vision is a bit blurry, but a glimpse of red eyes along with an army of futuristic soldiers made the two shiver in their spines, as if something that shouldn't happened might happen again.

"... I'll call Kev just in case." Merlina noted, which the male self nods. However, as they try to view the next vision, nothing came up, other than a poster that said "No Peeking!~" by a certain Goddess.

"Well, I guess that's that." Merlin said. Now that the projector gotten turned off, he and Merlina discussed about the visions that they just seen while finishing their popcorn. But due to the nature of it, it went by pretty quickly, as the time is now eleven-fifty-nine, just a minute before New Years Eve. The two looked outside, with the view of countless stars going to be clouded with fireworks. The two held hands together, and just in time...

The first batch of fireworks exploded, and the year of 2022 has arrived.

"Hey, Merlin?" Merlina said, which Merlin just turned to her, "Let's hope that those two and his friends are alright."

"They'll be fine alright." He assured. "Especially when the Goddess are watching them, as long as nothing too out of the ordinary happens."

The two keep on watching the fireworks until they decided to sleep later on.

... But for our protagonist, who is still just started on the Second Month of this story, he and his friends and family won't know what the future holds for them...

(Aaaaaand Happy New Year, readers! Now you might be asking why would this Special take place at the New Years Eve when the main story is at the beginning of Fall? Well, don't think too much, it's a Special anyway~
While the visions that they peeked without my permission might come true, but that doesn't mean that other events might happen other than just that. In fact, there might be another school for our protagonist to visit!
But that's all for me now. Enjoy the start of the new year, and Hevendor, Peace Out!~

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