Day 6-4 - All's Well that Ends Well

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With the battle with Binah ended, every student in Millennium are currently salvaging anything they can find on the site. Thankfully, Yuuka reported that none of the important items are damaged, but the venue for the Schale Gaming Competition and the variety of booths are completely destroyed.

At somewhere distant, Moriarty and Fran have arrived at a secret point where Gudako is waiting for them.

"From the looks of it, it's over." She said. From her hand, her Seal has been reduced to one, indicating that she used two of them earlier.

"Righto, young lady. Honestly, I haven't feel this vigorous of using my Noble Phantasm since the old times." Moriarty said.

"Old times?" Gudako tilted her head, as Moriarty puts his finger on his chin in a thinking manner.

"Well, there was a Master just like you, and he sees through my plans like how that dastardly Holmes did." Moriarty's explanation struck a cord in her mind. 'What does he mean by that? Is there another Master like me? From Chaldea even?' She thought.

"But, like a goody-two-shoes he is, he and the Servants fought to save humanity from world ending threat twice. Such a shame that he left us, because I want to hear more stories of him about my younger self."

This line truly made Gudako's curiosity in high gear. 'Twice?! Young self?! Is he... me?!'

But before Gudako can say anything, Moriarty and Fran begin being surrounded in a familiar golden dust.

"Ah, looks like our time is up." Moriarty chuckled. Knowing what it means, Gudako reached her hand towards them.

"Hold on! Tell me, Moriarty. Who's the Master you're talking about?!" She asked in panic. But she gets hugged by Fran, stopping her tracks.

"Don't... worry." She said. "He's... just like... you."

Gudako starts welling tears in her eye, as the hug feels familiar to her, while Fran patted her head. Memories of her journey in the past flooded in her mind, to the point she's sobbing on Fran. The two Heroic Spirits stood there despite their impending return to the Throne to comfort the poor ex-Master.

"Just one more thing, young lady." Moriarty said while walking towards her, and pats her head as well. "He told me a very particular line that I can't get it out of my head..."


"We'll just keep going forward, even if it means leaving the ones we met."


Gudako's eyes went wide as the line sounded too familiar to her. Fran then releases the hug and returned to Moriarty, as the golden dust goes brighter.

"Until we meet again, Master." Moriarty said while hugging Fran by his side. "Or should I say... Ritsuka Fujimaru." And with that, the two disappears from the glow. Gudako stood at her spot, processing the new information that she just got. She then took a deep breath and claps her cheeks, returning her to her normal self.

"Alright, better find Bestie and the others." She said while covering her left hand with her glove before running to find (Y/n).

With the Protagonist,

As the students are salvaging the site, the two (Y/n)s are sitting on a fallen pillar nonchalantly.

"This'll be coming out of my paycheck..." Sensei said while sitting next to his counterpart.

"Sorry to hear that." (Y/n) sympathizes while patting Sensei's shoulder.

"Eh, I'm already used to it." Sensei replied while shrugging his shoulders. "But I'm curious, how are you not surprised when you meet me back then?"

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