Day 16-3 - Thus Spoke the Primordial Mother

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(Y/n), who is preparing for his best friend's confession, is now flabbergasted because of these two reasons that happened one after another:
1. A random girl who claimed to be the Primordial Mother appeared,
2. Gudako yelling loudly after seeing the girl and hearing that claim.

As for the ex-Master, she's still in shock seeing the supposed Primordial Mother looks at them in curiosity, waiting for their response.

"T-T-Tiamat?!" She exclaimed, but the girl shook her head.

"Nay. I am no longer bear that name. You may call me Tia." The girl, now calling herself Tia, replied.

"No... it can't be... you're still a Beast, aren't you?!" Gudako then asked, fearing of the darker possibility, but Tia quickly shook her head.

"Nay! I am no longer bear that class either! I have stripped of my class after the fight on Uruk!" She argued while waving her hands in denial. Gudako then stumped upon hearing this, confirming the fact that she's the Tiamat from the Seventh Singularity, Babylonia. Also with the fact, she quickly reaffirm herself that this Tiamat is not from her timeline, but from this world's own.

'Okay, okay... Remember what you told to Kiyo, so this should be the same here...' She thought.

"Umm..." (Y/n) finally broke his silence, earning attention from Tia. "What do you mean by Primordial Mother? Aren't you a kid?"

Gudako's eyes went wide, shocked of how oblivious he is. But Tia didn't get offended by this, knowing that she used a young girl as a template for her current form.

"Nay, dear children. I am the Primordial Mother as I said. I gave birth to younger gods and magical beasts back in the ancient days of Uruk." Tia explained with a soft tone. "As for my form, I merely taken inspiration from a young girl that I saw earlier. I do so because... I prefer that you do not see my true form."

After hearing Tia's explanation, (Y/n) became more intrigue by this, but he just nods despite understanding a little about her. Gudako meanwhile already knew her true form, both as the womanly goddess and the draconic beast.

"Then what are you doing here? Is this lake your home then?" (Y/n) then asked, which Tia nods.

"You may believe as such. I am unable to leave this lake because of my true form." Tia then explained. This of course makes him want to see her true form even more, but...

"Senpai! Gudako-san! It's time to sleep!" The yell from Mash made the two students realize how late it is now. While they do want to return to the camp site, there's still the issue of Tia, which Gudako explained,

"If we bring Tia to the camp site, the other Heroic Spirits there might start acting hostile to her..." She said. (Y/n) is confused of what his best friend saying, but Tia looked down and understands, remembering that she once antagonized Chaldea and humanity back in the singularity.

"I understand. Please, return to the other children. Do not stay here because of me." She then said. (Y/n) felt bad of the idea of leaving her, but Gudako understood before holding her best friend's hand so they can leave together. As they walked, (Y/n)'s shirt then gets tugged by Tia, making him turn around. "However, I do hope that you return here in the next day."

After hearing Tia's request, (Y/n) gave a soft smile and nods.

"I will. And with that, I'll bring Alice too, since I think that you look like you're the same age as her." He then said before leaving her with Gudako. Tia looked over the leaving students and smiled in return.

'Thank you for keeping your innocence, dear child.' She thought, remembering (Y/n)'s last words.

Back to the duo, (Y/n) is still thinking about Tia, while Gudako also thought of the same, but is also having other thoughts.

"The Primordial Mother huh..." (Y/n) said to himself, which Gudako simply hum in agreement. He then looked at Gudako, who despite her neutral look, is sulking inside, making him remembered something that she wanted to say before Tia's appearance. "Gudako... about what you're going to say..."

The ex-Master then turned towards the boy, realizing what he said.

"Ah... well... it's nothing, really." Gudako said. (Y/n) then sighs before patting her shoulder.

"Gudako, I think I know what you're going to say..." He then said, making Gudako darted her eyes away in shame.

"But I can't blame Tia, even if we were in the middle of the moment together." She then joked while hiding her embarrassment. "It's just... I was hoping that I could get it out of my chest, with all of that scenery and being alone together sort of thing. So... I'll try again next time." She then smiled at him, but this time, tears dripping from the sides of her eyes. (Y/n) then went to hug her, making the ex-Master surprised by this. But she then sighs and just let him hug for a while.

"Oh Bestie..." She said. 'I really wish I didn't broke up with you back then...' She thought, still regretting of her past. After a while, (Y/n) released the hug and looks if Gudako's alright now. "Thanks, Bestie. I feel fine now." She confirms. "So again, next time, I'll say it with all of my courage, so get ready!" She then declared, which (Y/n) chuckles.

"I'll be waiting then, Bestie." He said. The two then continue their way to the camp site. Once they've arrived, they quickly went to their respective camps to sleep. For (Y/n), he sleeps in his own camp with Alice, which he also made a separator just to not make it awkward for him. He then reminisce the events earlier.

'I guess I should cross out the no weird stuff happening...' He thought before finally fall asleep.

Meanwhile, with Tia,

The former Beast is now walking around the lake alone... reminiscing her encounter with the two students. She realized that upon a closer look that the children of the modern times didn't really know about her, with the girl being the exception. Even so, she's happy that she made contact with them, and is hoping that she'll meet them again tomorrow.

But even so, she couldn't help but to remember that one moment, the time before her death, where she brought the Master of Chaldea into her mindscape for the first and only time...

"That child... why does he resemble that child..." She said to herself, with memories of Gudao and Tiamat still lingering in her mind once again...

(As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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