Day Extra - The Chuuni's Hidden Feelings

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This Day Extra takes place at Day 16~

Aveilter 'Veil' D'Arc. True Name: Jeanne D'Arc Alter. The younger sister of the more famous Jeanne D'Arc, Veil stayed at (City/n) as a transfer student for the city's own Hevendor High. While she were unenthusiastic about it, it was during a day before her formal school attendance when she met our dear protagonist, (Y/n) (L/n), in a card shop, that slightly changed her mind. Since then, she lives at his home as a housemate, and went on to attend Hevendor High alongside him.

However, as she continued to stay with him, she started to feel something with him. At first, it was a feeling of acquaintance, but it since then turned into friendship, and their bond continue to grow the longer she stayed there. Even when she gotten friends with the eventual fellow Servants that also live at his home, only her bond with (Y/n) were more significant to her.

 "Mattaku... And here I am accompanying my sister instead of going to the camping trip with him..."

And now, at ten in the morning, Veil is waiting outside for the aforementioned sister of hers, who are going to visit her after months of busy model work at France. Thankfully for Veil, it didn't take long until she sees a limousine slowing down near the gate, before the sister herself comes out of the car with a cheerful look on her face.

"Ma douce petite soeur!" Jeanne greeted as she runs towards Veil and gives her a hug.

"O-oi! Cut it out!" Veil protested from the hug.

"Aww, I missed you, you know?" Jeanne said, before releasing her sister from her hug. "All of the model work means nothing if I can't see my petite soeur again. Speaking of, is monsieur (Y/n) inside right now? I want to thank him for allowing you to stay here." She then asked, but Veil rolled her eyes.

"He's going for a camping trip, so he won't come back for the next three days." Veil replied.

"That's too bad." Jeanne sighs over the boy's absence. "I've been meaning to give him the rent money, you know."

"Oi! No need for that, really! Hell, he wouldn't even want your rent money!" Veil then scolded her sister, furthering Jeanne's disappointment. 

"Oh well, I guess I can leave it to you, my petit soeur~" Jeanne then suggested, making Veil scold her more. After the playful greeting, Jeanne then offers her hand as she turned back to the street. "Shall we go now?"

"The sooner we finish this, the better." Veil groaned, before holding her sister's hand, as the two head off to explore the city together.


The D'Arc sisters are now on top of the Celestia Tower, after the taxi driver shown Jeanne and Veil the extensive look of the city. The blondie is at awe of the sight of the city below, while Veil is looking at her phone instead.

"It's almost on par with the view from the Eiffel Tower." Jeanne remarked. When she turned around, she sees her sister minding her own business with her phone, much to the blondie's disappointment. "Petit soeur... Are you ignoring me?"

Veil then lowered her phone. "Ah, iie. I was just reading some manga to pass the time. What were you saying?" Seeing her response, Jeanne pouts and further lowers Veil's phone.

"We're having fun together, you know? So please be a tiny bit considerate for once." She scolded, making Veil grumble at her sister.

"Yeah, yeah..." Veil replied while looking away. Even so, it made Jeanne concerned about her sister's change of mood.

After going down from the Tower, the sisters then went into a taxi for their next destination. As they're on the taxi, Jeanne glances at her sister, seeing her having a long look towards her phone.

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