Day 9-1 - Lookalike Encounter

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Another day, another usual morning routine, and I'll just skip ahead to (Y/n) arriving at his class, since there's nothing too noteworthy to narrate for this morning. Anyway, with the first bell rang, he and the students of 3-A get themselves ready to start their first class of the day. Mr. William came in and do the usual greeting, but he realized that he forgotten something.

"What a tragedy. I forgot to bring my reference book." He woe dramatically, much to the student's horror. He then looks at (Y/n), who is among the horrified students. "Mr. (L/n), please head to the teacher's lounge and bring my book for me."

The boy then stood up and nods at the teacher. "Alright, sir." He said as he goes out of the class to do what he was told. Mr. William then stand in front of the whiteboard and grabs the marker.

"While we're waiting for him, let me tell you how Romeo and Juliet can be applied to a highschool setting." His suggestion caused some groans from the students, because for many, it's been done for three times now, in which Gudako simply confused as it'll be her first time hearing about it.

Back to (Y/n), he arrived at the teacher's lounge and with the help of other teachers, he managed to find the book Mr. William requested. However, the book is quite big and heavy, making him question of what really is inside the book. As he struggled to carry it and with the book blocking most of the view, he ended up stumbling and-


He bumped into someone and falls backwards, with the book falls onto him. The person he bumped into gasps and quickly goes to him in worry.

"Are you alright?!" The person asked, which (Y/n) moved the heavy book aside and rubs the back of his head.

"I'm fine..." He replied. As he opens his eyes, he sees the person in front of him, extending their hand for him to grab.

 As he opens his eyes, he sees the person in front of him, extending their hand for him to grab

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(Without the Staff)

"Altria?" He said, but the girl gasps again as if her secret got found out.

"How did you know my True Name?" She said. This instead made our protagonist confused.

"Wait, what do you mean? I thought you're working at Duelio right now." He said, making the girl even more confused.

"Duelio? What is that?" She asked. As things are getting more confusing, something struck within (Y/n)'s mind, as the event of yesterday came back to him.

"Wait..." He starts, "Are you from Saberia?"

There was a moment of silence between the two, with a sound of appearing dots accompanying it. The Altria lookalike stares at him and replied:

"What's Saberia?"

There was another moment of silence. Now out of ideas, the boy simply admits that he's confused of who she really is. The lookalike pats his shoulders, sharing the same sentiment as he does.

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