Day Extra - Sister's Worries

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Rewinding back to Day 5-1, with Scarlet...

After seeing (Y/n) and his friends off to Kivotos, Scarlet continued her daily errands as usual. While her brother's daily disappearance is something that she already used to, but for this case where he's going to another country (read: world), it made her feel a bit uneasy, due to the previous attempt of him going to another city that ended up being a whole isekai ordeal. Nevertheless, she does her work while reminding herself that her beloved brother is alright, now that his Heroic Spirit girlfriends and friends are with him.

"It'll be alright, Scathach... your sweet otouto-kun is safe. He has Mash and Kiyohime by his side..." She mumbled while sweeping the floor. But her mind is still worried for his safety. "It's just three days. Surely it wouldn't be that hard, right? I can just call him later tonight."

When evening arrives however, Veil and Alice we're just arrived back home after the latter wanting to get some tools for her art project, with the former accompanying her.

"We're home!" Alice announced while entering, while Veil just went straight to her room. Instead of the usual greeting from her adoptive mother, it was silence. The two reached the living room where they see Scarlet hugging a pillow hard while watching a movie about a brother and sister traveling a country together. This raises concern for Alice as she hasn't seen her mother like this. "Mama? What's going on?"

Scarlet broke out of her trance as she finally notices Alice beside her.

"A-Alice-chan? Since when did you get here?" She asked.

"Just now. Now what's wrong, Mama?" Alice asked in return. Scarlet lowers her pillow before looking down, feeling depressed.

"I missed your Papa already..." She said.

"But Papa isn't gone for even a day, Mama. Even I know it's not something to be depressed at." Alice said.

"I can't help to worry about him, sweetie, especially after what happened last time..." Scarlet reminded the time of his isekai misadventures. In a glimmer of hope, Scarlet's phone ringed, which she picks it up to listen to a voice she missed dearly.

"(Y-Y/n)-kun!" She said, before turning it into a video call for Alice to join in as well. The two listened to his story where he and his friends have landed safe and sound, how the country is actually a city, and when he met some of the students of Millennium. The two also shared their story, with Alice in particular mentioned her mother's brief depression of missing him, making Scarlet embarrassed.

"Well, it's getting late here, so I'm gonna hit the hay. Night, guys." (Y/n) then ended the video call with a wave, with Scarlet breath a sigh of relief and smiles to herself.

"Alright, I'll go start making dinner now~" She gives Alice a headpat before standing up to do what she said, now in peace knowing that her beloved otouto is indeed safe.

The next day comes around, and unlike yesterday, she keeps her peaceful look, still knowing that (Y/n) is still safe. But at evening, when Scarlet calls (Y/n) to see how he is then, he did not answer the call, making her start panicking again.

"Miss Vice-Boss, are you alright?" Scarlet turned to see Altria looking at her in concern. "You look like you're getting a panic attack." Her words snapped Scarlet out of her panic self, calming herself before sulking on top of the pillow she's hugging.

"(Y/n)-kun's not answering my call..." She said. "What if he's in danger? I can't just sit around and do nothing!"

"Of what I learned from his girlfriends back in the day, they're damn tsuyoi." Veil also joined the conversation with an exasperated look. "Besides, they're too protective of him. We already know about that, don't we?" Her words do hold some truth, especially when they know the two Spirits back in the past life with their old Master.

"I guess that's true..." Scarlet admits. "I'll go prepare dinner..." As Scarlet starts standing up, she gets pushed back down by Veil.

"Oh no. Omae just sit here and watch something mood-lifting. We're making dinner tonight." Veil said with Altria nod in agreement before heading to the kitchen. As for Scarlet, she tuned some channels, trying to lift her mood as Veil said, but even so, it only helped a little, as she returns to her depressive mood, even during dinner.

Later at night however, when she's going to her bed, her phone ringed, immediately prompting her to answer it.

"(Y/n)-kun?!" She said in panic yet again, but what she heard is something relieving for her.

"yawns Hi sis... Sorry for the late call, it's been a hectic day..." (Y/n) replied, telling his story of him and Akira winning a match, and the events after that. He did however left out the battle with Binah, not wanting her to worry for him even more. Despite this, she stay silent and intently listens to his story. "And that's that. yawns I'm going to sleep now. See you tomorrow, sis."

"Good night, (Y/n)-kun...~" And with that, the call ended with a good note for Scarlet. As she laid on her bed, she hugs (Y/n)'s pillow and smiled before drifting into dreamland.

The day after that, she held her spirit high as it should be the last day of (Y/n)'s trip to Kivotos. And this time, when evening arrived, she did not wait for a call, or vice versa. She knew that her otouto is coming soon, and she'll keep herself in a good mood to not spoil the homecoming for him.

Ding dong!

Her eyes lit up, as the door opens to reveal (Y/n) in a different outfit finally arrived home.

"I'm home...!" He announced, and gets immediately hugged by Scarlet. "Uwagh!"

"(Y/n)-kuuuun!" She cried, hugging him as close as she can. "I missed you so much!"

"Oi! Give him some room, will ya?" Veil told her from behind, prompting Scarlet to do so.

"Welcome home, Papa/Boss!" Alice and Altria also welcomed him, making the boy embarrassed of them, especially to Scarlet.

"Guess you really do miss me, huh..." He said towards the maroon-haired girl.

"You have no idea..." The other three Spirits rolled their eyes from behind. Scarlet then holds his hands and pulls him in, as she's going to have a feast for the family as a celebration of his return.

At nighttime, Scarlet is seen hugging (Y/n) in his room, sleeping peacefully without any care. As for the boy, he simply sighs and lets her hug him for the night. But he does heard Scarlet mumbling about missing him so much, thus letting himself being buried by her... assets.

"I'm already home..." He mumbled before sleeping as well.

However... outside of (City/n)...

Far away from the outskirts of the city, lies a small castle that just appeared out of nowhere. Within the castle, lies three figures in varying height, kneeling before a more prominent figure in black and blue outfit.

"I assumed that you three already know what our goal is..." The figure said, which the three in front of them stay silent in agreement. "When the dawn arrives, you three shall explore the city and find him."

"We shall, your highness!" The two on the sides said.

"We won't let you down, mother." The one in the middle followed. The main figure looked at the sky from the ceiling window, showing its many stars and a full moon shining bright.

"I shall find you again, my husband."

(Don't mind me, just setting the next Arc that'll start in two or three Days~
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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