Day 16-2 - Lakeside Confession

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After catching plenty of fish, the two boys and Mash returns to the campsite, where (Y/n) hums happily as he won the bet of catching the first ten fish.

"Man, I can't wait to try grilling them." He said, while carrying the bucket of fish.

"And here I thought I can get that two fish with one hand... still, good game." Soichi said, walking behind him. 

"Eeeh, I don't mind you and Gentoki helping out. Sure I won the bet, but I just want to grill with you guys." (Y/n) then said.

"Is that so..." Soichi said before sighing, "Then I'll take on your offer." He then said, making Mash smile from the friendship between friends.

As the three walked, they heard a suspicious sound from nearby, making them turn towards the presumed source, which was a bush nearby.

"You guys hear that?" (Y/n) said.

"Eh, it's just some random squirrel." Soichi replied.

"There shouldn't be anything out of the ordinary, Senpai. From what I read about the lake, everything about it and the surrounding area is perfectly normal." Mash then added.

"Well, if you say so." (Y/n) said, and the three continued their way back. Contrary to what Mash said however, the one who made the rustling bush sound was a certain small girl, who were watching them in curiosity.

'That one... why does it looked familiar...'

Minor Timeskippu!

The three are now back at the campsite, where most of the necessary items like campfire and tents are fully set up. They then went to Miss Morgana, who is watching over the students.

"We're back, ma'am!" (Y/n) announced, making the teacher turn towards the three.

"Welcome back, my dear students. I see that you have caught a good amount of fish for tonight." Morgana greeted back.

"That's right! It should be more than enough for all of us." Mash said.

"Very well. You three may have some rest." Morgana said before smiling at them. The three then turned around to leave, but... "Wait!" They then stopped as Morgana almost forgot about something. She clears her throat before saying, "Good job, all of you."

(Y/n) and Mash simply smiled at her, seeing that she's still improving her ways as a teacher, thus our protagonist give a thumbs up to her.

"Thank you, ma'am!" The three then replied to her before leaving to do their own business. For (Y/n), he wanted to check on Alice, which he then found her playing Uno with Gentoki and other students.

"Gaaame!" Alice shouted as she puts down her last card. Of course, everyone else is upset by her win, but Gentoki, who is now used to losing in Uno, simply pats her head.

"Just two games, but you already got your first win! Congrats!" He praised her, making the girl giggle.

"Thank you, Gentoki-nii-chan!" She said. Gentoki clenches his fist from the cuteness of Alice's words.

'Stay strong, my heart!' He thought. He then felt a pat on his shoulder, before turning to see (Y/n) chuckling at him. "Oh, welcome back! Did you get the tuna?" he then asked, but (Y/n) shook his head.

"Nah. But we did get lots of others for tonight." He said. "Thanks for watching over Alice for me."

"Eeeh, it's no problem. She's so polite that I felt like I want to protect her." Gentoki said while lightly hitting his own chest with pride. Alice then runs towards (Y/n) before holding his hand.

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