Day 23-2 - The Final Confession

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(Warning! This chapter is long, like 3.4k words long.)

The Festival went on to be as fun as everyone can imagined. With Alice and Veil playing a couple of games together, Altria and Tia enjoying warm snacks, and (Y/n) and Scarlet just enjoying their time together.

"It's been a while since we last have time for ourselves together." Scarlet chimed.

"I guess so." (Y/n) replied. The two watched the scene of siblings chasing one after another, making Scarlet wondered about something.

"If you didn't chased me way back then, we'd never be siblings like we are now." She said, making our protagonist confused. "Y'know, the time where I first barged through into your home and held you hostage?"

"Oh, that! Now I remember. I was scared, but my pendant is more important than my safety back then." (Y/n) then mused after remembering their first encounter back at the first book.

"And you even had a pizza delivery boy helping you chasing me. To be honest, it was quite funny looking back." (Y/n) then remembered that moment too, even the part where he wield a random baseball bat, making him embarrassed of how silly it was. The two then laughed after reminiscing their first encounter, before Scarlet told him the following:

"I'm truly glad that I've met you, (Y/n)-kun. I will always cherish our time together, as your big sister."

With a warm smile, Scarlet leaned her head onto (Y/n)'s shoulder. (Y/n) responded in kind with a simple pat on her back, acknowledging her feelings.

"Me too, sis." He then said. After a brief heartful moment, the two sees the rest of the family coming to them, all feeling content from their explorations.

"Papa! I got a prize with the help of Big Sis Veil!" Alice said while showing her prized white squirrel plushie, in which said Veil huffs proudly huffs over her involvement.

"These... hot pockets... are quite intriguing, yet I could not stop enjoying it." Tia then said as Altria is holding three more of the warm snacks.

"Want one?" She then offers, which the sibling duo took the offer. One thing that (Y/n) noticed however is that his girlfriends and Gudako haven't returned to the group yet, making him wonder where they are now.

"Knowing them, they're probably planning something for you." Veil said. With that said, (Y/n) took her word for it and let them be for now. With plenty of time to spare before the dance, (Y/n) decided to bring Alice and Tia together for some exploration of his own.


It's now evening, and it's almost time for the dance, with (Y/n), Scarlet, Tia, and Veil now in their formal outfits, (Y/n)'s family enter the gym to join in the event. The venue itself is decorated in both regal and festive decorations, and is crowded with students and their partners and relatives in their formal outfits as well.

"I hope that I still remember how to dance. It's been two years since I last did it with mom." (Y/n) said nervously.

"You'll be fine, (Y/n)-kun." Scarlet assured him. After walking around for a bit, the family met up with Miss Morgana, along with her daughters.

"Miss Morgana!" (Y/n) greeted her. "And you guys, too."

"Greetings, dear (Y/n)" Morgana greeted in return. She then smiled upon seeing his family with him. "And greetings to everyone else as well. I hope that you have enjoyed the festival."

"You said it!" Altria then said, reminiscing the things she experienced in the past few hours. "Whether it's the food or the games, everything here's great. It's almost like a full on carnival that I saw from TV from time to time."

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