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"It's just a bad dream Jimin."



Jimin's POV

~ Flashback ~

I rolled over in bed grinning as I saw Min Yoongi lying down beside me, his light snores comforting as his hands were draped around my waist.

His eyes slowly opened as I sat up looking into the morning darkness, the alarm clock reading 6:30am.

"Baby are you alright?" Yoongi muttered while sitting up wrapping his arm around my neck before flopping it around my shoulders.

I glanced over at his face in the darkness, his mint green hair cutting through the darkness.

His eyebrows were knitted together in concern while his soft thinner lips kept straight.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous of what they are going to say. What if we don't get this baby? What if they deny us of the adoption?" I wondered aloud making eye contact with my boyfriend.

"If they don't give us a baby we will keep on trying yeah? They can't deny us from having a child because they have no reason to." Yoongi muttered.

"What if we are looking for a baby too soon? What if they deny us because we have only been dating for a year." I mumbled.

"Well that would be bollocks. That would be a pathetic excuse baby." Yoongi snapped before leaning over to kiss my cheek.

I blushed crimson as I looked back out into the darkness, my eyes finding their way to an empty white cradle in the corner of my bedroom.

"Gonna move in with me if they grant us the baby?" I whispered softly, turning to look at the male again who rubbed his hand sweetly on my bare shoulder, his eyes scattering over my exposed chest.

"Maybe. Or I could just move in anyways." Yoongi said with a soft smile.

I grinned back before he leaned in giving my lips a light peck.

"I suppose I should get up because my shift at the hospital starts in an hour." Yoongi huffed sticking his legs slowly out of our bed, the cool morning breeze creating goosebumps all over his arms and legs.

I moved to the edge of the bed feeling the soft blue sheets below me. I felt happy just watching my boyfriend walk towards my set of drawers.

"Don't you feel ill of looking at peoples insides while performing surgery's?" I asked softly as Yoongi slowly pulled down his pajama bottoms showing off his rear end.

"Of course it's not the nicest. But someday I will specialize in a specific part. I just need to find out what part of sugary's I enjoy or something." Yoongi mumbled pulling on a pair of boxers followed by white medical pants.

"You know what, it's almost 7am. Why don't we give the hospital a call and see if they are going to grant us a baby to adopt. I mean they said we could call them today. They didn't specify at what time we should call." Yoongi said beaming as he pulled on a white medical shirt.

I grinned as I leaned over to the wooden bedside table beside my bed to grab my phone.

Then I dialed the hospital number.

A smile didn't leave either of our faces as I talked to a lady on the phone about the request we put in.

Yoongi came over and sat down beside me sweetly holding my hand in his.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now