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"What gender are you hoping for?"



Jimin's POV

My eyes opened hearing a creak in bed next to me as Taehyung rolled over to face me.

His thin lips formed upwards seeing my deep brown orbs were open.

I stared back at his golden honey orbs that lit up to my presence. 

I spent the night last night at Taehyung's house, Jungkook ended up sleeping on Taehyung's couch for free, cancelling our booked accommodation.

"Good morning." Taehyung whispered, his hot breath fanning my cheek as I brightly smiled.

"Good morning." I responded back as Taehyung wrapped his warm hand over my waist, placing it against my bare back.

We laid facing each under his white bed-sheets, just looking at one another. 

"You found out yesterday you were pregnant or the day before?" Taehyung asked me softly.

"The day before, I didn't want to tell you on the phone so I told you the day after." Jimin explained.

"Um, and how do you get the baby out of you?" Taehyung asked.

"I could push it out my ass or have a c section but I think c section would be better because even if I don't eat for a day, I don't trust my ass being clean. And contractions are likely going to be painful enough as it is." I explained.

"So your tummy is gonna be cut open?" Taehyung questioned me.

"Yeah, then the baby comes out and they sew me back together." I said with a soft giggle.

"And you want me there during the procedure?" Taehyung asked me.

"Yeah, unless you find it too gross to watch, then you could wait with Jungkook, Hayoon, probably their baby and Hoseok in the waiting room." I hummed before biting my bottom lip.

Honestly I want Taehyung in the room, even if it's just when I am put to sleep and when I wake up, just so I know it's okay because he's there.

"It's okay, I will stay and if things seem too gross I will turn around and look away." Taehyung said with a light chuckle.

I beamed nodding.

"If the baby comes out and it takes a while for you to wake up and they ask if I want to hold the baby, may I hold the baby?" Taehyung asked me.

I blinked while processing his question.

"Yes, just make sure someone gets photos of the first time you hold the baby to show me, also you will hold the baby again when I'm awake." I explained.

He nodded while smiling softly before leaning in to peck my lips.

"What gender are you hoping for?" Taehyung asked me with a bright smile.

"A boy, you?" I asked him while Taehyung lifted me up, pulling me on top of his body so that my stomach rested against Taehyung's stomach.

"A girl." Taehyung said while chuckling.

"Ah, well we shall see who wins." I mumbled.

"Can we have more after if this one is successful?" Taehyung asked while rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"Yeah sure." I said beaming at Taehyung, his smile returning just as bright.

"Are you going back to Busan today?" Taehyung asked me, tightly wrapping his hands around my body.

I nodded.

"Jungkook needs to get back to Hayoon and we took only one car." I explained.

"When are you moving to Busan?" I asked him with wondering eyes.

"I'm gonna accept an offer this week, and then by the end of this week I will move to Busan." I explained.

"Okay so I have a week to clean my house." I mumbled.

Taehyung laughed.

"It's okay, it will end up possibly cluttered with my belongings but then we can go through it together and see what stays and what we sell online." Taehyung suggested.

"Good point." I hummed.

"I need to sort out maternity leave at school, it may just be hard to ask for." I stated.

"True, if your boss doesn't believe you, just quit and after when you are ready to work again, then apply for some place else." Taehyung suggested.

"I know I could do that, but my students would be devastated." I mumbled.

"Oh my god, that reminds me," Taehyung started.

"You know your student, Namjoon?" Taehyung asked me.

"Um, yes?" I asked while feeling confused.

"He came and hired me for a surfing lesson and then told me you were his teacher." Taehyung told me.

My eyes widened.

"Oh man, he's so sneaky." I gasped.

Taehyung laughed.

"He's such a sweet kid though." Taehyung coed.

"I know, it's why I quite like my class. It's already like they are my children." I said laughing to myself.

"They will be excited for you then right?" Taehyung asked me.

"Oh totally, they would want me to bring in our baby just to get out of class every now and again." I responded.

Taehyung chuckled.

"If you want, you can visit them if you want? They are quite fun and like drama. They get off topic a lot. Almost like a class where they rant during a period to get out of doing mostly Maths." I explained.

"Oh, I can tell they like drama already considering one of your students went out of their way to stalk me." Taehyung muttered.

"He didn't stalk you when I gave him all the information." I huffed.

Taehyung laughed before muttering, "True."

"How many rooms does your house have?" Taehyung asked me while raising his eyebrow.

"3, why?" I asked.

"Well, if I sell my house this week and move to yours in a week, I have a week at your house before I start working so I could sort out a room and get a cot and everything." Taehyung explained.

"Just no decorations until we find out the gender." I told him.

"Yeah sadly, I wanna know the gender now." Taehyung whined, extending the 'now' sound while lying his head down on the pillow.

I laughed.

"We will find out sooner or later." I hummed.

"Hoseok's gonna flip out." Taehyung mumbled while yawning.

"Are we on the same page though about giving Jungkook and Hayoon rights to be our baby's godparents?" I questioned Taehyung.

"Yeah, as much as I would've liked Hoseok to be a godparent, he intends on travelling a lot in his future before settling down so I think Jungkook and Hayoon would be the best option." Taehyung replied.

I nodded.

This piece of you growing inside of me is so exciting, there's so much to plan and so much to look forward to... We are going to be the best parents and finally be able to live our dream of having a baby...

AU - I know this chapter is slightly boring but it answers some questions, also can you just imagine Vmin preparing a baby's room... Like awwww! 

What gender do you want Vmin's baby to be? Comment :P

Also if you enjoyed, totally feel free to comment, vote and add this book to ya library/libraries!

That's all for now... Stay warm, safe and healthy my lovely readers and fellow others... Till next chapter... Byeeeee :)

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