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"Being here with you, seeing you daily, the fact you want to be with me, the fact we are having a baby and it should be here in 40 weeks. I'm just excited about it. Even for the future."



Jimin's POV

Sunday, week 6 of Jimin's pregnancy.

I spent the day walking around my house, replacing a few of my belongings with Taehyung's.

Then we stuck up a whole bunch of photos online to try and get buyers of our belongings.

"Baby, should I order some food for dinner?" Taehyung coed while slapping my ass as soon as he headed into the kitchen behind me.

"Ah, do you have too." I whined while grabbing my ass between my hands.

Taehyung laughed softly at my reaction.

"Sorry, I'm just excited." Taehyung hummed.

"Excited about what?" I questioned while rubbing my ass, the stinging leaving after my touch.

"Everything," Taehyung started.

"Being here with you, seeing you daily, the fact you want to be with me, the fact we are having a baby and it should be here in 40 weeks. I'm just excited about it. Even for the future." Taehyung explained.

I smiled softly.

"I'm excited about it too, but that doesn't explain why you hit my ass." I chuckled.

Taehyung laughed before wrapping his arms over my shoulders while I hugged into his body.

"I hit it because I'm excited to have you in my life." Taehyung mumbled before kissing the top of my forehead.

I lifted up my chin, our eyes meeting before he leaned down, kissing my lips slowly.

As he pulled away, I got lost looking in his gorgeous honey eyes while he messed up my hair with his large hand before taking a step back from me.

"Promise me tomorrow you won't mess up my hair before I go to work." I mumbled looking at my reflection on the glass of my oven door.

"No promises made." Taehyung chuckled while pulling out his phone.

"Are you ordering food?" I asked while walking over behind him.

I smiled as I back hugged him tightly while resting my head against his upper back, his shoulders being too high up for me to look.

"Yes, is pizza okay?" Taehyung asked.

I hummed in response.

Once Taehyung was done ordering, he turned around, lifting me up to lift me onto my kitchen bench.

I squeaked as he put my ass down on the hard bench.

"Ouch." I muttered, placing my hands down on the bench to lift my ass up.

"Is it still sore?" Taehyung gasped.

"Um, yes, what did you expect?" I questioned.

"Do you want a cushion?" Taehyung asked, seeing my arms bearing all my weight as he stood in front of me between my legs.

"Yes please." I muttered while blushing bright red.

"Will my hands do? I'm lazy but I think you look nice with your legs spread on a bench." Taehyung hummed while cupping my ass.

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