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"Right, you are my doctor,"



Jimin's POV

Tuesday, week 5 of Jimin's Pregnancy.

I went inside to see the back of a doctor with black hair.

Does every doctor have black hair? I can't tell if this doctor's hair cut is the same or different to the one I saw before with the pregnant women.

But before I could take a seat, the doctor turned around, stopping me in my tracks.

My mouth fell open behind the mask.

The doctor seemed to hold the same expression as I did.

His brown glistening eyes stayed pinned on me.


I couldn't even speak.

Never in my life did I think that I'd so randomly stumble across him.

But where do we stand? Does he feel the way I feel?

Does he miss me?

Does he miss the time we used to spend together?

He got up from where he sat and I nibbled my bottom lip nervously.

But tears started to pierce my eyes as he tightly wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a tight, warm, friendly hug.

I folded my arms around his waist, hugging back into him.

"I've missed you so much Jimin-ssi." He coed resting his head on my shoulder.

My emotions went crazy, even just hearing his voice up close again.

There's no way he was the same person who pulled the middle finger.

He wouldn't have done that.

There's no way.

I nuzzled more into his smaller frame, enjoying the sent of his cologne.

"I've missed you too Jihyun." I hummed while wiping away the tears that formed in my eyes.

"I've looked so hard to find you. Mum was the only one who knew where you lived but I kept hoping one day I'd see you again." Jihyun explained while resting his hands on my shoulders as he pulled back from the hug.

"Same. I'm so sorry for everything I did when I was a bit younger. I was stupid." I mumbled.

"No, it's not your fault if some asshole gets you hooked on drugs. I just couldn't wait for the day where we'd be reunited while you aren't intoxicated." Jihyun mumbled.

"You've grown up." I stated looking up and down at my younger brother.

"So have you." Jihyun hummed.

"Have a seat." Jihyun announced, guiding me to the seat I originally was going to sit in.

I sat down as Jihyun sat down opposite me.

"Mum told you about dad's passing right?" Jihyun asked me and I nodded.

"I feel upset I didn't get the chance to see him again and show him I was a better version of myself." I mumbled while casting my gaze over Jihyun's white desk.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now