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"I ran up the stairs because I saw someone who made me angry and I didn't want to deal with those feelings today when he didn't see me, I don't think."



Jimin's POV

I quickly sent a message to Jungkook telling him to come up to the hospital before putting it down to have my scan.

I lied down on a table and was pushed under a machine which took lots of photos while scanning my body.

Then I sat up on the table fixing my hair as I watched the nurse on her ipad.

"I'm just waiting for the scan to load but while I'm waiting, are you taking any vitamins?" She asked me.

I shook my head with a small, "No."

"Okay well I will print off a list for you to pick up from the chemist at some point because they will help with nutrients for you and your baby, others will help with breastfeeding." She explained printing off a list from her ipad.

"Alright, let's take a look at the scan." She mumbled before putting up the scan of my body on the screen.

"Um, can you explain what I'm looking at?" I muttered confused by what was on the screen.

"Sure, um so basically it seems that you have two canals from inside your anal canal, one is obviously heading towards where your waste would come from, the other seems to be where your female reproductive system starts." She started to explain.

"So basically you have your cervix leading up to your uterus, and then on your right side only you have a fallopian tube and an ovary where your eggs are." She explained.

"Okay so options for birthing my baby is that it either comes out my ass or a c section right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Of course that is down to your own choice depending on booking in a c section or whether you get an emergency c section done due to complications." She explained.

"Personally I'd want a c section because I don't really want my baby to come out of my ass." I muttered.

"Yeah, fair enough." She responded with a nod.

I grinned seeing Jungkook walk in through the door puffing.

But why puffing?

"Why are you panting?" I asked as I saw him holding onto the door frame.

"I ran up the stairs." Jungkook gasped out while catching his breath.

"I didn't tell you to come quickly, it's not like it's super bad." I muttered.

"No," Jungkook started.

"I ran up the stairs because I saw someone who made me angry and I didn't want to deal with those feelings today when he didn't see me, I don't think." Jungkook stuttered.

"Oh, well guess who's pregnant..." I said changing the subject as I know Jungkook gets in a funny mood around people he doesn't like.

I smiled as Jungkook wandered towards me.

"My wife?" He muttered while sitting down.

"No idiot. Me." I said pointing to the screen.

His eyes cast over the scan of my body.

"I'm sorry, how the fuck are you pregnant?" Jungkook questioned looking at me with shook eyes.

"Basically he's intersex, he has reproductive organs of both genders, his female reproductive system is linked too his anal canal which basically made it possible for him to get pregnant." She explained simply.

"No way! Jiminie, our kids are gonna be best friends!" Jungkook shouted happily as we both stood up to hug each other.

My lips drew upwards in a wide smile as I happily hugged Jungkook.

I'm finally having children like I dreamed of!

"Have you told Taehyung?" Jungkook asked as he looked down at me.

"I was thinking maybe we could go for a drive there tomorrow and I could tell him in person." I said while biting my lip as I looked up at Jungkook, his dark hair falling in front of his sparkly brown doe eyes.

"You want me to come with you?" Jungkook asked me.

"Yes. You know, in case it goes wrong." I hinted.

"Taehyung is gonna be so happy, I'm sure nothing would go wrong but totally I will come, it gets me away from my pregnant wife." Jungkook stated while laughing.

"Yeah but instead you're with an overly dramatic pregnant male." I snickered.

"Yeah but I don't live with you so you can only annoy me for like a day with cravings and puking." Jungkook explained.

I laughed.

"It makes so much sense now. The weird cravings, tiredness, puking." I listed and Jungkook nodded.

"Ah, sorry Jimin, can I get your attention for one thing?" The nurse asked impatiently while standing beside the table that I was laying on before. 

I turned to face her nodding.

"I just want to explain that because your eggs haven't been released from your ovary before, it means that you haven't needed to have a period to clean away anything, but if you experience bleeding it is normal. Don't be too scared because a decent amount of blood does come out. However if it's an extreme amount of blood and it's making you sick I recommend you come in." She explained.

"Alright." I responded.

"Damn you can't go drinking with me." Jungkook sighed from where he stood beside me.

"It's fine, I can be the sober driver." I said while nudging Jungkook's arm.

"Oh that's a good point, you also should stay away from eating raw meats and more. I recommend you google what to stay away from and keep checking that you're allowed to eat certain substances or drink it." The nurse explained.

I nodded.

"Anyways, you are free to go, I'm gonna go hand these files to the doctor, if you have any issues, come see us. Also you can call and book in your first proper ultrasound in about 8 weeks from now." She explained.

We thanked the women and saw ourselves out of the white walled hospital.

"Wanna come around to my house for a bit to get away from Hayoon?" I asked as we wandered towards our cars.

"Sure, if you want I can go pick up your vitamins and stuff for you seen as I did it last week for Hayoon?" Jungkook suggested.

"That would be great actually, if there's something on this list that Hayoon has and isn't on here feel free to grab that too. I will pay you back afterwards." I told Jungkook, handing him the note.

"I will see you at my place then." I hummed unlocking my car.

"See you at your house." Jungkook coed as he unlocked his car getting inside of it.

I went to get inside my car but I stopped.

I turned around feeling almost like I was being watched, only when I turned around, no one was there... Could it just be my paranoia that I am going to be viewed differently in society now? Or is it possible someone actually was watching me...

AU - Again if you have any questions feel free to comment and ask, also cute, Taejikook's kids gonna grow up together uwu... Hmm who yal think Jungkook saw that made him run up the stairs? Also do yal think Jimin was being watched by someone? Who? Hmmm...

Also if you enjoyed, totally feel free to comment, vote and add this book to ya library/libraries

That's all for now... Stay warm, safe and healthy my lovely readers and fellow others... Till next chapter... Byeeeee :)

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