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"I'm not that skinny anymore, I feel like I'm putting on weight somehow."



Jimin's POV

My vomiting hasn't improved and it's been a week of me trying to improve my diet but yet it proceeds.

But at least I have money now because I've been attending work and it doesn't seem to be contagious.

Only I should go to a doctor because I may have internal damage or something.

"Um sir," I muttered while walking into the principal's office.

"Mr Park," He warmly greeted before gesturing that I should take a seat down on a red velvet chair in front of his brown desk.

I sat down before clearing my throat to speak up.

"I need someone to take over teaching for me tomorrow, I have booked an appointment," I explained and he nodded.

"What is the appointment for Jimin? You've been in and out of work a lot recently. I need to know it's necessary and that you are a reliable teacher here at Busan's biggest middle - high school." The principle explained.

"It's a hospital appointment sir, I don't have anything contagious just for some reason I haven't been able to keep much food in my stomach every now and again, so I need some tests done." I explained.

"Oh that's not good, I really hope it's not bad for you Jimin. I hope your tests go well, I will write you out for tomorrow but will you be back on Monday?" The principal asked because it is Friday tomorrow.

"Of course. Unless it's something serious but I'm sure it's not." I assured him before standing up while bowing.

I walked out down the corridor but was stopped as I saw a boy in a navy blue sweater with long grey pants get shoved against lockers during lunch break.

I headed towards the boys crowding around him, they seemed older then he was.

I noticed it was Namjoon upon approaching, his spiky brown hair barely noticeable above the tall elder boys.

"Excuse me boys, care to explain what's going on here?" I asked now that I was close to the group.

Their eyes widened as they turned back to me.

A couple boys made a run for it while the one holding onto Namjoon let go of him slowly.

"Namjoon was just giving me something." The boy that was holding onto Namjoon explained.

"Giving what?" I further asked.

"A pencil for next class." The male lied to my face, his eyes moving away from my gaze.

"You pinned my student to the wall to get a pencil?" I asked while cocking my brow.

He nodded slowly, unconvincingly.

"Namjoon?" I questioned while looking at him.

"He wanted my lunch." Namjoon hissed while staring at the male in front of him.

"Well, you boys know we have a canteen right? So off you go." I said pointing in the direction of the canteen.

I watched the guys send glances of irritation to one another before they stared angrily at Namjoon while they finally walked away.

Then I walked towards my classroom, Namjoon following behind me.

"Thank you Mr Park, I definitely would have given it if you weren't a second quicker." He mumbled.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now