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"Jimin-ah, I feel like a piece of me is complete when I'm with you."



Jimin's POV

"Baby, are you wearing warm enough clothes?" Taehyung called from the kitchen.

After we had eaten, Taehyung started to do the dishes while I laid down for a bit.

Holding my body up is starting to get exhausting.

Especially when I can tell I am now eating for me and our baby now.

I sat up rubbing my eyes before grabbing a black jacket from on top of our dresser to put on.

"Yes, do you want me to grab a jacket for you?" I asked while slipping my shoes I was wearing, back on.

"Yes please, can you grab my big green one? It will be on the right side of our wardrobe!" Taehyung called back.

I could hear him putting some plates away in the kitchen as they clang together while being placed away in cupboards.

I opened the wardrobe and let my eyes scan across our clothing.

I smiled when I found Taehyung's green jacket, taking it off the hook for him.

A couple seconds later, I turned around as Taehyung walked in.

He smiled softly seeing that I had found it.

"This one, right?" I confirmed and Taehyung nodded while walking towards me.

"Thank you." Taehyung coed while leaning forward to leave a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

I giggled while he took the jacket from my hands.

We both put on our jackets before I closed the wardrobe.

"Ready to go?" Taehyung asked while looking up and down at me.

I hummed in response while nodding.

A warm hand slid it's way into my hand as we walked down the hallway.

The familiar feeling of butterflies erupted in my stomach once again.

Taehyung let go of my hand to open the front door for us, allowing me to go out first.

"Do you have the house key?" I asked while looking back at Taehyung exiting our house.

"Yes." Taehyung said while placing his hand into his jeans pocket before pulling out the house key to lock up our house.

I smiled seeing him turn the golden key in the lock, his thin veiny hands seeming massive with the key in between.

Then he popped the key back away, taking his hand in mine again as we headed down the driveway and down the street.

The sky was a dark shade of black, barely any stars could be seen however the moon seemed to loom among the smog.

We walked a bit further down the road in silence until we made it to the entrance of the park.

The sound of a man-made river ran through the park, the whooshing water and the swaying sound of the tree's captured my attention, making me feel at peace.

"It's beautiful." I hummed as we continued walking through the park until we found a wooden bench to sit on under the moonlight.

"Almost as beautiful as you." Taehyung coed as we sat down.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now