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"I'm so ready for the future now, I want to have our baby already." 



Jimin's POV

~ Flashback ~

Saturday, week 17 of Jimin's pregnancy, 10:30pm.

I sat on the end of my bed, letting my legs hang off as I wore blue and white striped pajama pants while watching Taehyung in front of the closet.

He took off all his work clothes because he'd just finished a shift at Jin's restaurant before he changed into some green pajama bottoms.

I ran my hand over my bulging stomach before speaking, "How was work?"

"Hmm, it was alright. Quite a few people got drunk though and were annoyed with me not serving them when they were drunk." Taehyung said while running a hand through his messy dark hair in front of a silver outlined mirror.

I gasped while looking down at my belly as hands and feet of our baby started to kick against my belly.

A smile formed on my lips as I pressed my hand against my stomach, feeling my baby kick against my hand.

"Why are you smiling?" Taehyung hummed while turning around to face me from the mirror.

"Come here." I said while looking up at him.

Taehyung walked closer to me before sitting down on his knees in front of me.

I reached over taking Taehyung's hand in mine before placing it on my bare stomach.

"Do you feel it?" I asked.

As soon as I spoke I felt our baby kick again inside my stomach against Taehyung's hand.

A gorgeous friendly smile formed on Taehyung's lips as he ran his hand up and down my stomach.

"I can feel it." Taehyung coed.

"It's been kicking for about a week now." I mumbled.

Taehyung smiled feeling the baby kick again.

"I think it likes your voice babe, it seems to kick most times that you talk." Taehyung said with a sheepish smile while looking up at me.

"Really?" I asked with wide eyes while looking down at my stomach.

Sure enough, after I spoke the baby did kick.

"I'm so ready for the future now, I want to have our baby already." Taehyung hummed as he leaned forward, kissing my stomach gently.

"I want to have it now too." I responded, letting the baby kick again.

I giggled while feeling it kicking again.

Taehyung chuckled with a big grin.

"I think it's a boy, it kicks so much." I said now rubbing my tummy with my own hand.

"You could just be saying that because you want a baby boy though, it could be a girl still." Taehyung coed while standing up from the ground.

"No, I'm adamant that it's a boy. It kicks so much and I just have a feeling it's a boy." I mumbled while lying down backwards on the bed, still resting my hand on my tummy.

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