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"Nothing. I'm just happy. You make me happy."



Jimins POV

I woke up to the light feeling of someone's warm breath on my neck.

My eyes opened slowly, focusing on the man in bed beside me.

Taehyung lay naked with his arm wrapped over my shoulder. His long brunette hair flopping onto the pillow.

I smiled seeing his lips steadily breathing before I shuffled over closer to him, wrapping my arms around him while hiding my head against his chest.

A grin formed on my lips as I felt his large hand reach up to the back of my head, playing with my blonde hair between his fingers.

"Did you sleep okay?" I whispered looking up at his face.

My eyes scanned up his golden tanned skin.

His brown golden eyes glowed as I looked at them.

"Of course, I slept next to my boyfriend all night so I slept fantastically." Taehyung coed leaning forward to peck my lips.

I beamed happily while he ran his hand up and down my bare back, us facing towards each other on the bed.

"I really don't want to go home today." I whispered pouting while I stretched my body out.

"I don't want you to go either. I mean, I know I've been ditching work all week and I probably need money, but I like having you here." Taehyung told me running his hand over my cheek.

My cheeks started to heat up.

"Please come back sometime. I will try go there though." Taehyung told me.

"It's okay. You never have to go where I live but I will definitely come back sometime I promise. I also just need to make a bit more money again." I told Taehyung and he nodded.

I groaned hearing Jungkook knocking on the sleep out glass door.

"What?" I yelled sitting up in bed.

"Make sure you are packed. We are leaving at 10:30am." Jungkook instructed before walking away.

"Damn you are leaving this morning?" Taehyung gasped pouting while he sat up.

"Yeah but I will come back, I promise." I said intertwining our fingers.

A soft charming smile appeared on his lips before he leaned over kissing me.

"I will head home and shower then come back before you leave alright?" Taehyung confirmed with me as he got out of bed.

"Alright." I muttered looking over his bare muscular back while he pulled on boxers and sweatpants.

He turned back to face me. A small smile on his lips.

"What?" I asked smiling back while running a hand through my hair.

"Nothing. I'm just happy. You make me happy." Taehyung said sitting back down on my bed, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

I giggle resting my head against his strong shoulder.

"You make me happy too." I coed kissing his neck.

However when I looked up at his face, his smile had disappeared.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now