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"He day dreams about me?"



Taehyung's POV

Saturday - 10:13am

"Oi! Why are you so late today!?" Hoseok shouted at me as we approached each other on the beach.

"I'm sorry, I was up late talking to Jimin and forgot to set my alarm. You are lucky I even came." I muttered as I got closer to Hoseok.

"Yeah we are lucky you came because someone's requested to see you." Hoseok mumbled as we headed towards the office so I could put my things down in a locker.

"Why did they request me? Since when was requesting someone a thing even?" I grumbled as I stuck my things into my locker.

I wore a navy blue wet-suit today but had it tied up around my waist, showing off the top half of my body in a white tank top.

"I don't know, since he came in and asked for you. You are the best teacher overall you know." Hoseok stated as we walked through into the main room.

My eyes cast across a boy sitting on our waiting room couch with brown hair sticking out from a blue cap, tanned skin, soft cheeks and a mobile phone in his small hands.

"That him?" I asked while looking at Hoseok.

"Yes." Hoseok said while walking towards a group of other people to take for public body-boarding lessons.

I wandered towards the kid fixing up my hair.

"Hey, I'm Taehyung, you wanted lessons?" I asked crouching down in front of the boy.

The boy looked up making eye contact with me, his lips parted slightly as he looked up at me in ore.

"Yes, can you take me for a surfing lesson? I already filled out the form. I've just been told you are a good lifeguard and teacher." The boy muttered.

I smiled widely, "Yeah of course. Are you borrowing a board?" I asked the kid and he nodded.

"Follow me then." I said standing up to lead us out the back where my work surfboard is and where the borrowed ones are.

"How old are you?" I asked curiously while grabbing him a board that wasn't too long.

"Almost 11. You?" The boy asked as I carefully passed him a board.

I untied my wet-suit hanging around my waist to pull it up above my shoulders, showing off my name tag on the right side of my chest.

"26." I replied while grabbing my work board. 

Then we wandered outside towards the sea.

"What's your name by the way?" I asked as we both started to walk into the water.

"Kim Namjoon." The male responded with a soft ryan bear smile appearing on his lips.

"Well Namjoon, have you been surfing before?" I asked him.

"Oooh, careful with your board, hold it out of the way of the wind or you will get blown backwards." I explained to the boy.

He nodded while smiling at me as he followed my instructions.

"No, I haven't been before." Namjoon replied to me.

"First we will try you on your stomach onto your knees, basically when a big wave comes, get on your board on your stomach and try to get up on your knees while riding the wave." I called as we walked deeper into the sea.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now