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"Soon my tummy is going to stick out because of you."



Jimin's POV

Friday, week 5 of Jimin's pregnancy.

It's been a week and I haven't yet got my results back from my urine test.

However I've spent the week working, also tidying up my house.

I feel super excited to welcome Taehyung into my home, but it does panic me a bit.

I guess from the idea that Yoongi was the last one I welcomed into my home.

Even if we didn't live together, it is playing on my mind because he spent every evening and night that he was free at my house.

I just spent an hour cleaning my kitchen now that school is completed for the week.

I sat down on my couch to relax before lifting up my shirt.

I ran my fingers across my stomach while looking down at my caramel tanned skin.

"Soon my tummy is going to stick out because of you." I whispered softly while running my hand in circles over my stomach.

I giggled as my stomach rumbled.

My phone then lit up as my ringtone went off.

I grinned seeing the caller was in fact my boyfriend.

I answered the call while getting up to head back in the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Good evening." I said as I answered the phone.

"Ello, how is my baby doing?" Taehyung coed through the phone.

I tapped my phone, putting the call on speaker while grabbing a cookie jar from a shelf.

"Which baby are you talking about?" I asked with a light giggle.

"Um, both of my babies." Taehyung assertively responded.

I chuckled more before responding, "One of your babies is hungry, the other one is slightly making the other feel like puking." I explained.

"Awww, make sure you eat more than just a cookie baby." Taehyung hummed.

My eyes widened.

"How did you know I was gonna eat a cookie?" I gasped.

"Your camera is on. I was looking at the ceiling but I did see you grabbing the cookie jar from a shelf." Taehyung responded.

"Oh." I mumbled lifting my phone up.

Sure enough, I could see Taehyung on my screen.

He wore a grey shirt with red and white striped pants while he sat on top of some cardboard boxes.

"How's the packing going?" I asked him.

He smiled seeing my face.

"Pretty good, I'm going to be packing the truck up tonight and then the truck and I will be driving tomorrow." Taehyung responded.

"That's amazing, I still need to clean the bathroom though." I muttered to myself, only Taehyung definitely heard me.

"Jiminie, you don't need to tidy up so much. You should be resting." Taehyung mumbled.

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