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Jimin's POV

Friday, week 10 of Jimin's pregnancy, 4:30pm.

I lay down on a medical bed while Taehyung sat beside me, we both had our masks pulled down while waiting for someone to enter the room.

A nurse then promptly entered the room wearing a mask, her dark black silky hair flowing down her side by her breasts.

"Hi, I'm Jiha, I will be taking your first ultrasound for you. A specialist doctor was supposed to take your appointment but there was an emergency that he had to deal with, however if you have any problems, I'm sure sometime he can be made available for you both to talk too." The nurse greeted us as she walked into the room.

"Not a problem." I responded.

"I haven't had any issues, have you?" Taehyung asked while looking at me.

I shook my head in response.

"Alright then," The nurse hummed with a smile.

She didn't ask us to put our masks on properly? Oh well...

"I will get you to pull your shirt up a bit for me." Jiha instructed.

I pulled my shirt up for her, and she started to put some gel on my stomach.

"Have you had any problems with your pregnancy so far? Any allergic reactions to medication or vitamins that you have been taking?" The nurse asked me.

"No." I responded.

"That's good." She hummed.

I smiled as I felt Taehyung's hand slip into mine, giving my hand a squeeze.

I looked over at Taehyung, his lip was bit as he looked down, his dark hair falling in front of his eyes.

Taehyung has been super excited about our baby but I've noticed since this morning that Taehyung's mood has completely changed.

"Are you okay?" I asked Taehyung lightly.

He looked up at me, our eyes connecting as he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Yes, I'm just more nervous then I expected I'd be," Taehyung responded.

"I didn't know how I'd feel being able to see my own baby like this so I guess there's just a lot I'm processing." Taehyung continued before looking back down.

My eyes softened as I continued looking at my boyfriend.

I've never seen Taehyung emotional before but I can sense his emotions are spiralling right now.

I looked back at the nurse as I felt her press the cold plastic toggle to my stomach.

"Would you both want pictures printed? The first ones you order are free." The lady explained to me while running the toggle over my stomach.

"Yes please." I responded to the woman.

The woman stopped before pulling the screen around from the bed so that I and Taehyung could see when he looked up.

She then continued running the toggle against my belly while looking at the screen.

"Here we are." The nurse announced.

I could feel movement from beside me, and I knew Taehyung had looked up.

My heart raced as I took a deep breath while seeing a grey and white fuzzed out shape of Taehyung and I's baby appear on the screen.

A smile drew on my face from ear to ear while I felt butterflies zoom through my stomach.

I watched as the lady did something else, probably took photos of our baby.

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