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"I'm gonna be a dad."



Jimins POV

The ride home to Busan was slow.

I wished I could just take Taehyung home with me but it makes sense he needs to pack his things and sell the house.

Plus I've only got a week before I can have him all to myself in my home.

However, the whole ride home, I've been spammed by Hayoon because Jungkook ended up telling her why he went to see Taehyung with me.

She flipped out about me having a baby too.

Half of her messages were:

How is it possible for you to be pregnant?

What if our children are best friends? I'm stuck with you for even longer...

And lastly, my favorite message...

Shit, Imagine if our children fell in love!!!

"Is she still texting you?" Jungkook asked as we drove down my street, about to arrive back at my house.

"Yes." I mumbled.

Jungkook laughed.

"I should have told her a bit sooner but it was important that the father and my best friend knew before her." I whined.

"You can say that even to her face but I know she won't understand and will still be like..." Jungkook started.

"You should have come to me'" Jungkook mocked.

I laughed.

"I hope Taehyung telling Hoseok goes well." I hummed looking out the window.

"He's telling Hoseok today?" Jungkook asked me.

"Yeah, he's meeting him for lunch at KFC and is going to tell him the news." I explained.

"Oh that's exciting." Jungkook chimed.

I smiled.

Hoseok is going to be stoked.

Taehyung's POV

I walked into KFC, approaching the counter.

I placed my order, speaking through a mask before searching my eyes around for Hoseok.

Hoseok was sitting in our normal place, devouring some chicken, occasionally dipping it into some potato gravy.

Once my order was complete, I took it, heading over to my best friend.

I felt the butterflies swimming in my stomach.

No wonder Jimin didn't just announce it within seconds, it's quite nerve-wracking to announce about a pregnancy.

"Aye, you made it. I thought you slept in again." Hoseok joked as I took off my mask, sitting down across from him.

"Very funny." I snorted, creating Hoseok to chuckle.

"Are you excited about moving?" Hoseok chimed.

I beamed nodding while picking up some chicken.

"More than just excited," I started.

"I feel like everything in my life is coming together perfectly." I coed with a grin before biting into some chicken.

Hoseok smiled, pieces of chicken showing in his mouth making me cast my gaze away from him.

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