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"Jimin does have his mood swings though which I think wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't pregnant. Like he cried when he burnt some vegetables that both of us dislike eating last night which more sounds like a win to me but he randomly had a breakdown over it," 



Taehyung's POV

Monday, week 7 of Jimin's pregnancy, 5:30pm.

I walked up to the front door of Jin's restaurant, opening it slowly.

I am quite nervous about starting somewhere new again.

I've spoken to Jin on the phone before but not in person.

And as much as Jungkook makes Jin seem sweet, he also makes him seem very strict.

I walked up to the counter where I saw Jungkook.

He beamed upon seeing me.

"Hey! We are closed!" An attractive male called out walking towards Jungkook and I.

"Jin, he's fucking the man behind the bar you hired." Jungkook snorted as Jin approached.

"No swearing!" Jin grumbled.

"We aren't open, it's not like I'm turning anyone away." Jungkook gasped.

"I didn't expect to hire someone attractive to go behind the bar but this could be good for sales." Jin muttered while looking at me up and down.

"Taehyung, come with me to get your name tag and apron. I'm very sorry for assuming that you may be an early customer." Jin huffed.

"No, it's alright, I completely understand that because you are seeing a new face." I replied while following Jin out the back of the restaurant to get myself an apron and name tag.

Jin passed me an apron and name tag.

Then he led me towards the bar.

I grinned behind my mask seeing a gorgeous blue led lit marble bar table with stool seats in front of it.

Jungkook's friend must be rich to have made this stunning place.

"Do you know how to use this machine?" Jin asked me while pointing at bar taps with different drinks.

"Yes." I responded.

"Okay, glasses are behind you, you take one, fill up the drink they want, whether it's from the tap or from a wine bottle which is kept under the counter where you stand," Jin started to instruct.

"Everyone who comes to you, doesn't have a deal with drinks so with every drink you can either put it on their tab which will be paid when they leave or you make them pay while you give them a drink," Jin continued.

"Also, if we don't have a drink, let them know. And also the staff toilets are right over there." Jin said pointing to a door beside the kitchen entrance door.

"Any questions?" Jin asked me.

"Um, will there be people in here who get a drink that they have ordered for like an event already? Do I have to deal with that?" I questioned.

"No, our waiters will come and grab it, your focus is on the people in front of this counter." Jin stated as he walked around the counter before sitting down in front of me.

"Now, practice on me. I want to know what you are like, kid." Jin said while looking at me.

I nodded.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now