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"Don't you think I know he's yours by now? You fucking just had a baby with him." 



Jimin's POV

AU - Before reading, you may want to go get some tissues, just in case.

I was left alone for what felt longer than I was expecting.

My eyes scanned around the white room, falling on a painting of a red rose bouquet between a large hand.

I took a deep breath as I continued to wait.

Only I felt tingles spark against my skin, adrenaline rushing through my body.

My cheeks flushed red as I quickly dangled my legs off the bed.

I carefully stood up, and as soon as I was stable, I ran to the sink.

I vomited and vomited as hot liquid shot up my throat and out my mouth.

But why isn't Taehyung coming back?

Why isn't anyone coming back?

Am I supposed to be vomiting?

I stumbled backwards, feeling my head get dizzy as I managed to let my bum reach the bed.

My legs felt weak and my arms felt heavy.

My eyesight spiralled out of control as everything went black.

My hands felt along the bed desperately to find the headboard before feeling along the wall.

"Fuck, why did they place the button so far from the bed?" I muttered to myself as my finger tips ran over the textured wall.

Finally my fingers hit a bump in the wall, I ran my index finger across the cool metal before pressing the plastic button in the centre a couple times.

Thankfully because I've been in the hospital before, I know all too well what the button feels like.

I just hope someone comes soon and isn't too far away.

Taehyung's POV

I walked slowly towards Hoseok before handing him Juwon gently, then I walked around Hoseok, slamming Yoongi's shoulders against the wall behind him.

His eyes widened when he looked at me properly for the first time while I looked back at him.

He's actually a bit attractive though up close, I can see why Jimin used to love him.

"Do you have any fucking idea how much you effected Jimin by leaving him the way you did?" I snapped through gritted teeth.

"I made a mistake, I tried going back to him but he'd already moved house." The male cut in.

"Does it look like I give a fuck? He's mine, not yours, and he worried so much about dating anyone else because he fucking feared someone would leave him again, just because he couldn't have kids." I muttered.

"Don't you think I know he's yours by now? You fucking just had a baby with him." Yoongi snorted.

"Yeah well he's now waiting to thank the specialist doctor which happens to be his ex about the surgery. I don't want him fucking shattered by you, nor do I want you anywhere near our relationship so I want you to find someone to pretend they gave birth to his baby so we don't have a problem." I growled.

I heard a light dinging noise behind me as I continued holding down on Yoongi's shoulders.

"Tae that's enough. Jimin may be happy to see him again when he was involved in his life." Hoseok stated while turning to face us with Juwon in his arms.

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