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"Oh well now I wish I didn't catch him."



Jimin's POV

Taehyung gently pulled back from the kiss, my eyes locking with his golden orbs; the sun shining onto his face through cracks in his grey curtains.

A charming smile grew on his lips.

A grin forming on my own face.

"Um, I suppose you should head back to your friend's house as I predict you haven't been in touch with them today." Taehyung said softly.

His voice was so deep and enchanting, a sound I love. I feel as though I could listen to his voice and never get sick of it because it's so husky and soothing. It's like drinking a hot chocolate near the fire, comforting and embracing.

I nodded to his words.

"I suppose I should go." I said standing up as I drank the rest of my coffee.

"Need a ride?" He questioned.

I shook my head in response.

"The holiday house I'm staying in isn't far from here actually so I'm happy to walk." I told him as I grabbed my wet clothes while he stood up from the couch.

"I will walk you out of my house then." Taehyung said smiling while sticking his hands in his short pockets, a dorky smile perched upon his lips as he led me back through his house.

My heart was still racing while my lips tingled from our kiss minutes ago. 

Taehyung opened his front door to let me out.

"So free tomorrow?" He asked following me out to the footpath.

"Of course." I said beaming as I stopped to look at him.

"Great." Taehyung said smiling back.

"Hmm so which house was yours?" Taehyung questioned.

I turned around sighing while looking at the cream houses.

"Can you see it from here?" Taehyung asked.

My eyes wandered to the houses as I felt my heart start to skip a beat nervously.

"Yes, it's the second one along." I responded before looking back at Taehyung.

I watched his eyebrows knit.

"I've seen someone come out of the house before." He mumbled.

"You have?" I gasped.

"Yeah, it was a male around your height. How long have you had blonde hair?" Taehyung wondered.

"I've had blonde hair for just under a year, when I lived here I had black hair." I told Taehyung.

"Okay so it wasn't you. Um, did you sell it to a male?" Taehyung asked.

I shook my head.

"No, a woman, and I bought the house off a woman too." I told him.

"I'm certain it was that house, did you live with someone else?" Taehyung muttered.

I shook my head until I froze.


Taehyung could tell by my posture as I stared at the front door to my old house.

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