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"I fucking hated you but now I really don't. You definitely made a mistake and now you are too late."



Omniscient POV

After Yoongi broke up with Jimin, he had no clue that he had rushed down the footpath to meet his ex's future boyfriend.

After a week or so went by, Yoongi's heart was absolutely broken.

He had completely fallen in love with Jimin but he now had to choose between the love of his life or his future children.

The more he pondered his thoughts, the more he realized that he's happy being with Jimin. That is what should matter.

If he loves Jimin, then he can fight harder to get children with him.

Because Yoongi threw out his phone the day after Jimin and his break up, including his phone contacts with Hoseok and Jimin, he went to Jimin's house to explain himself.

Only when the door to Jimin's house opened, a friendly woman stood in front of him.

She explained that the young male that had lived in this house had moved to Busan.

Instantly Yoongi knew what he had to do to be reunited with the love of his life.

He quickly stuck his house on the market, selling it before moving to Busan himself.

He wished he'd gone and seen his best friend Hoseok but he was too ashamed of what he did.

He knew that even if he faced Hoseok, he'd be miserable due to his mistake of leaving Jimin.

Especially after Hoseok's support towards their relationship.

The only reason he would have maybe gone to see Hoseok would have been to see if Hoseok had Jimin's number, only he knew too well that he'd never given his boyfriend's number to his best friend.

Once Yoongi was settled in Busan, he began working in Busan's hospital.

He knew that Jimin used to always go to the hospital he originally worked at, it was normally to visit him but he hoped maybe Jimin would go to the one in Busan.

However he didn't know how much Jimin grew to fear hospitals after their break up, scared to see Yoongi and because of painful memories due to his drug intoxication experiences.

Once Yoongi had earned some money while working in the hospital, he went to court to submit a case that Park Jimin should have the right to adopt a child.

He knew that he hadn't seen Jimin in over a month now but he wasn't going to lose Jimin without a fight.

He'd given up on Jimin that day he left him but something ignited in his heart, making him want to try harder for the love of his life.

Five months after battling the case in court, Min Yoongi won the right, allowing Park Jimin to adopt children after showing his records, showing the court that Jimin hasn't been in hospital from drug intake or caught by the police in over a year.

Only Jimin had given up on love and the idea of adoption so had quit trying and was unaware that he was now granted the right to adopt.

Yoongi always wanted to become a specialist doctor in something he enjoyed. He spoke to Jimin before they broke up as Jimin was curious about his interest towards what he does at the hospital.

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