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"Your so strong, as soon as you are awake you'll meet a mini us,"



Jimin's POV

Day before due date, 4:29pm.

I stood up carefully from the couch once the movie I was watching finished.

However my eyes widened as I looked down at my underwear.

The light grey boxers I was wearing had dampened a dark grey color.

Only I know I didn't piss myself.

"Tae!" I shouted while waiting for him to rush down the hallway from the laundry room.

Taehyung appeared in the entrance and I watched his eyes scan down my body.

"Did you piss yourself?" Taehyung snorted while heading over to me.

"I swear I didn't, I think my water broke." I mumbled.

My contractions have got a lot worse today so I wouldn't be surprised if the baby is a day early.

"Shit really?" Taehyung gasped while sitting down on the couch in front of me.

Taehyung's fingers wrapped around the top of my underwear as he went to pull them down.

"Baby, the curtains are open." I whined.

"Right." Taehyung mumbled.

He stood up, taking my hand in his to slowly led me towards our bedroom where the curtains were still closed.

Then he pulled down my boxer's exposing my lower half.

"Put a clean pair on." Taehyung said while handing me some black boxers.

I did as I was told while watching Taehyung lift my other pair of boxers close to his nose.

Because I am pregnant, my baby is putting pressure on my organs so it is possible I peed myself.

"Doesn't smell like urine, put some pants on too." Taehyung muttered while heading out of the room to put them in the washing machine.

My eyes widened.

I put on some stretchy sweatpants while waiting for Taehyung to come back.

"It seem's your crouching did help to make the baby want to come early." Taehyung commented with a smile.

I pouted while nodding.

"Why the face?" Taehyung asked while grabbing his car keys off the bench.

"I'm nervous." I mumbled as Taehyung took my hand in his, helping me walk down the hallway.

"Don't be, I will be by your side the entire time." Taehyung hummed while locking the front door, helping me to the car.

I sat down inside his car while biting my bottom lip.

Taehyung drove his car out of our driveway heading towards the hospital.

My eyes widened to the feeling of my baby dropping lower in my stomach.

"Shit." I gasped while closing my eyes tightly.

I felt a strong pain spread up my back, my lower stomach starting to ache.

My face heated up warm as the most unbearable pain was present.

"You okay?" Taehyung asked, his eyebrows knitted together as he looked over at me while driving.

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