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"Why were you smiling so hard Mr Park?"



Jimin's POV

Monday, week 5 of Jimin's pregnancy

I knocked on the principal's door, catching his attention.

"Come in Mr Park." He called.

I walked into the room, sitting down on the chair in front of his desk.

His eyes were firmly on papers in front of him.

I cleared my throat gathering his attention.

"You can speak, I'm just reading through something." He muttered.

"Sir, it's something more serious than just how my weekend went." I mumbled.

This time he looked up, his eyes stayed on me allowing for me to start.

"I need to go on maternity leave." I told him.

"That's for females, you have parental leave because you are a male and not the one giving birth." He explained.

My face fell straight, how dumb does he think I am?

"No, I need maternity leave because yes I am a male but I'm intersex and I'm the one giving birth to a baby." I grumbled.

The principal eyed me up and down.

"You don't look very pregnant." He huffed.

"Well I am." I grumbled.

"Go get me a doctor's note with a signature saying you are pregnant for proof then come back and we can discuss this. I'm not saying I don't believe you but being a male who get's paid for a long sneaky holiday is possible. But congratulations either way, whether it's you who's pregnant or someone else because your having a baby." The principal muttered before casting his eyes down.

I sighed getting up from the leather chair.

I wandered down the hallway back towards my classroom.

I don't want to have to go back to the hospital, I had a weird feeling even being there last time...

My ex did work at a hospital but that doesn't mean he works at this hospital so I don't know why I just get panicky at a hospital.

Maybe it's because hospitals just remind me of him.

I miss seeing his goofy gummy smile.

Even if we aren't meant to be, I want to see him again.

Ugh, why am I even thinking about him in a good way?

He left me without trying harder with me, he's a fucking dick.

Correction, a handsome fucking dick who makes my heart start to beat faster.

God damn it.

It doesn't matter how I feel about him, I'm happy with Taehyung.

Taehyung makes me feel the way I felt with Yoongi, only Taehyung isn't going to stab me in the back and leave.

I'm not sure how long I was processing my thoughts but it must have been a while because the bell just rang.

Kids started to pile back into my classroom.

I smiled seeing Namjoon walk inside; not because I'm favoring him, just he makes me think of Taehyung now that I know Namjoon went to see Taehyung.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now