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"Can you see the stars? Or is it just my imagination?"



Jimin's POV

Halfway through the film I could already sense that Hayoon and Jungkook weren't paying attention.

The sounds of their mouths moving against each other was madly disturbing.

Every jump scare in the film made me move closer to Taehyung, his hand rubbing up and down my arm as every time he whispered asking if I was okay.

~ Flashback ~

"Can we watch a horror movie?"  Yoongi asked while lying down on the couch, his head resting in my lap.

"A horror movie!? Baby, you know I'm scared of horror movies. There's no way we are watching one." I whined under my breath using the remote to look at films on Netflix.

"But you can cuddle me the entire time, you can sit on my lap, I can wrap you up with blankets and pull you close to me every time you are scared." Yoongi coed while sitting up, looking back at me.

"How do you make everything I don't wanna do sound nice." I gasped.

"So we can watch a horror film?" Yoongi asked with a soft smile forming on his lips.

"Ugh fine, but you won't let go of me the entire film." I replied and he nodded.

I smiled as he lifted me up onto his lap.

His slender hands wrapped around me while pulling the blanket behind him around us too.

I wriggled into his warm body, my back resting against his chest.

"Ready?" Yoongi softly whispered in my ear, the sound of his voice softening.

"Yes." I replied back wrapping my hands over his arms while he clicked play on a horror movie he wanted to watch.

~ End of Flashback ~

I looked to my side as I felt a light tapping on my arm.

"Where's the bathroom?" Taehyung asked from beside me.

"I will come show you so I don't have to put up with them." I whispered back, pointing beside me at the kissing pair.

Taehyung nodded.

I put down the blanket feeling the cool air on my feet before I wandered down the hallway towards the bathroom.

Jungkook and Hayoon were now out of sight as Taehyung followed me.

I stopped in front of the bathroom door but gasped as Taehyung pressed me against the wall.

His hand was steady on my shoulder before he leaned down to my level.

Our eyes met in the dark before our lips came together.

My hands slightly shook enjoyingly as he deepened the kiss.

Only my mind was wandering because it's been such a long time since I've kissed someone like this.

My eyes closed as I enjoyed his tongue circling my lips before slipping inside.

His hands wrapped tightly around my waist, his body forward leaning on me against the wall, keeping me close to him.

My hands tangled between his messy dark locks of hair as I felt his hips against my own.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now