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"Well there wouldn't be a prince without a king."



Jimin's POV

Friday, Week 9 of Jimin's pregnancy, 5:30pm.

"Babe!?" I called out while walking through my house.

I wore an over-sized hoodie to hide my stomach as well as some stretchy jeggings (leggings that look like jeans) so that they fit around my waist.

"Babe!?" I called again while walking down the hallway.

I got a text a couple hours ago while I was out with Jungkook after work that Taehyung isn't going to work tonight.

It was nice to catch up with Jungkook, even though we live not far from each other, it seems like we don't catch up often which is why Jungkook and I going away on holiday together was so nice.

I opened the bedroom door walking inside, but I gasped at what I saw in front of me.

"Baby, what is this?" I asked while glancing around the room before focusing on my boyfriend.

The bedroom was lit up with dangling fairy lights while Taehyung stood in front of the door wearing nice blue jeans, a brown belt and a black woolen long sleeve shirt.

His ears were covered in earrings while his large slender fingers were covered in beautiful rings.

My heart raced seeing a beautiful red rose in his right hand.

"Surprise." Taehyung coed softly while holding out the rose to me.

I giggled while taking the rose.

"What is all this?" I asked again while I held the rose.

"I wanted to take you on a surprise date but then I also wanted you to find me and be shocked by a beautiful backdrop." Taehyung said while beaming.

"Aww baby, is this why you aren't going to work?" I asked while shuffling forwards to tightly wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head against his flat chest.

"Yes." Taehyung hummed while hugging back into me.

I looked up at Taehyung and my heart skipped a beat as I looked over Taehyung's gorgeous tanned skin.

I smiled while noticing his gorgeous smokey eye makeup and highlighted skin.

He looked so handsome even with makeup.

I feel so special that he'd dress up nicely for me.

"What are we doing for our date?" I asked him while grinning.

"Well, because of covid I do want to keep you and our baby safe, so I don't know if you noticed on the way inside however I have made us dinner and set the table nicely," Taehyung started making me smile wider.

"And then I thought we could go for a wee walk down to the park after dinner." Taehyung hummed.

I smiled.

As much as we aren't doing much, it's the most lovely sweet idea to surprise me with nice treatment.

Since Taehyung moved here, I've been the one cooking in the kitchen so it's very romantic being able to relax beside my boyfriend's side for a night.

"That sounds lovely." I said while smiling even wider.

Taehyung smiled from ear to ear as he leaned forward pecking my lips.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now