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"Damn... Baby... Are you horny!?" 



Taehyung's POV

Friday, week 13 of Jimin's pregnancy, 1:00am.

My arms were folded over my boyfriend's body as he faced his back to me.

My chest pressed against his back while our legs intertwined.

The light stirring of my boyfriend awoke me.

I heard a light sigh escape his lips while he stretched out his body along the bed.

I felt some movement as I slowly opened my eyes seeing Jimin raise one of his hands to his stomach.

"Are you okay?" I lowly whispered not to frighten him.

"Did I wake you?" I heard Jimin whine from in front of me.

"Yes but I woke up because I care about you, I'm not going to ignore you when I think something is wrong," I muttered.

"Now what is wrong?" I continued.

"My stomach and back are aching." Jimin lightly whispered.

"Is it really bad?" I asked while pulling Jimin by his hips closer to me.

"No, just rather uncomfortable." Jimin replied.

I let my right hand reach above Jimin's body, over his bare shoulders as we lay on our left side, and let my larger hand gently rub his chest before working my hand down towards his tummy.

I let my hand run across his soft stretching skin, all the way down to his belly button.

"Does it hurt when I touch it?" I asked him while pulling my hand away from his tummy momentarily.

"No." Jimin responded.

I smiled while feeling Jimin's hands take my hand in his to place back on his lower tummy.

"It actually feels sort of relaxing when you touch it." Jimin hummed softly while I pressed my crotch area against Jimin's clothed bum.

I let my left arm tuck under Jimin's pillow to support his head while I ran my right hand up and down Jimin's abdomen.

"Was it sore earlier?" I asked him while I felt Jimin relax a bit, placing his own arms away from my hand so they weren't in the way.

"A bit. Though my class is very good about it and can tell when I'm not feeling the best so they leave me in some peace for a bit." Jimin responded.

"Have you been eating a proper dinner while I haven't been here?" I asked him while enjoying the feeling of his warm bare back against my bare chest.

"Yes." Jimin replied lowly, his voice sounding tired and a bit cracked.

I continued to rub Jimin's tummy but now in a circular motion.

I leaned over Jimin a bit, seeing Jimin's eyes were open while looking into the darkness while I gently kissed his cheek before lying back down.

The fragrance of sweet berries enchanted me now that my face lay closer to his clean jet-black locks of hair.

"Feeling any better?" I whispered before yawning.

"Yes, thank you." Jimin hummed.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear, my warm breath tickling his earlobe as I gently kissed his neck to try to distract him from pain.

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