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"I guess we may only have a boy once because we don't know what the future holds so we shall grab it."



Jimin's POV

Thursday, week 39 of Jimin's pregnancy, 10:30am.

I took a deep breath as I gripped the kitchen bench tightly between my stubby fingers.

My heart clenched as I moaned while squatting down in front of the bench while still holding the bench tightly between my fingers.

I saw through the corner of my eye that Taehyung ran into the room.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked while sliding down onto his knees placing his hand on my back as he knelt beside me.

"No." I responded while shutting my eyes tight.

"Why, how do you feel? Are you feeling sick? Does some place hurt?" Taehyung quickly asked as sweat started to drip down my face.

"I feel pain." I muttered out while keeping my eyes closed.

"Where?" Taehyung questioned.

I felt almost like the pain was burning, like my skin was stretching.

"My lower stomach and back." I replied while wiping some sweat off my face with one of my hands before putting it back on the bench.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Taehyung asked while rubbing his hand soothingly up and down my back.

I took a deep breath as the pain eased.

"No. I'm having false contractions." I murmured while standing up.

"That's a thing?" Taehyung gasped while standing up also.

"Baby, when you found out I was pregnant did you seriously do no research on this?" I quizzed.

"Um no. I never thought anyone I was with would get pregnant so I never paid attention to this subject." Taehyung muttered.

"That wasn't what I asked, you didn't care to do some research?" I stammered.

"Um no, mostly because you will be at the hospital through labour." Taehyung mumbled.

"Shit." I gasped while crouching back down.

Pain spread across my lower back again while I groaned, closing my eyes.

"Maybe we should take you to the hospital?" Taehyung asked while crouching down.

"No. No. My water hasn't broken so for now I can put up with this. It's probably just a bit worse than period pains for females so I'm going to try and stick it out." I responded.

"Okay, may I ask why you are crouching down with your knees spread like that?" Taehyung asked while looking over my posture.

I opened my eyes looking at him.

"If I sit like this, maybe the baby may think about dropping and coming sooner rather than the due date which is in 3 days." I responded.

"If you want it to come early, why don't we go now?" Taehyung asked.

"Because our baby isn't ready. I want to hold off until I am about to seriously birth it naturally to then have a c-section to make sure that it's developed and ready to be in this world. And me just crouching is giving it a nudge to want to come out so that we can go get our baby boy taken out." I stated as the pain eased.

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