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"Are you in the fucking hospital?" 



AU - (Mentions of reproductive system etc, sounds fancy but feel free to comment and ask for a easier version to understand if you need because I have studied health for 5 years at high school so it comes naturally to me lmao)

Jimin's POV

I bit my lip seeing the plasters lining my arm from needles as a nurse walked back over to where I sat on a white bed in the hospital as I wore a black mask, a basic white shirt and black sweatpants.

The nurse wore a light blue nurse outfit with a white mask.

"Hi, while we are waiting for the results I will ask you a few questions to fill into the system while we wait." She said with a nod.

"What's your full name?" She asked while holding onto a grey tablet.

"Park Jimin." I responded while watching her type my name onto the tablet.

"Date of birth and current age?" She questioned.

"13th October 1995, and I'm 26." I replied while still watching her.

"Under our records it says you were a heavy drug user. Do you honestly still use drugs?" She asked while looking up at me.

"No. Not anymore." I responded assertively. 

She nodded.

"I will believe you as you haven't been in the hospital for years. Plus we will be able to tell if something is inside your system anyways from our blood samples." She responded and I nodded.

Is she basically telling me that she actually doesn't trust me because they have a way of looking?

"Nurse, can I talk to you for a minute." I heard a male doctor say outside the door.

"Yes, if you need anything, press the button on the wall." She told me while pointing to a sensor buzzer that was a meter from me on the wall.

Then I watched as she disappeared out the door.

I sighed hearing muffled talking outside the door.

I don't think they have a clue what's wrong with me at this point.

I do slightly wonder why the doctor didn't come in to talk to me, however it's likely because he doesn't want to tell me the bad news.

While waiting, I looked down at my phone that lay in my lap flashing as Jungkook was calling me.

I swiped upwards answering the call, putting him on speaker before speaking, "Hello."

"Are you in the fucking hospital?" Jungkook worryingly spat.

Damn not even a hello back...

"Hey, Jungkook calm down, okay yes I am in the hospital but I brought myself. I'm here to sort out what's wrong with me." I muttered.

"I thought you were better because you were back at school?" Jungkook asked through gritted teeth.

"I felt a bit better Jungkook, but honestly it's not my diet. I was just trying to avoid going to the hospital Kookie." I explained.

"Jimin, what if it's bad and you have delayed it. This could possibly cost you your life. You know eating and getting the proper nutrients is fucking important." Jungkook huffed.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now