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"Wait, you're serious? You're not just trying to get a paid holiday?"

Busan Middle School Principal


Jimin's POV

Monday, week 6 of Jimin's pregnancy, 8:00am.

Late last night I got sent through a scanned document of my results confirming I'm pregnant with also my doctor (my brothers) signature.

I headed onto the school grounds, fixing up my hair because Taehyung purposely got up to mess my hair up before I headed to work this morning.

Today I wore, black fitted track pants which I did have to loosen the tightness around my waist because my stomach was starting to grow beyond my normal size this week, with also a plain white shirt, white boots and a khaki green jacket stuffed inside my bag.

Then I headed down the corridors.

I decided because I was early that I'd head to my boss's office to try and get time off before class.

I knocked on the door before entering.

The principal looked up at me, greeting me with a, "Good morning." As I sat down in front of him.

"Hi, I have a scan and signed proof for needing maternity leave." I started to say.

The principal who was drinking coffee all of a sudden spat out the hot water all over his desk.

My eyes widened as he stared at me.

"Wait, you're serious? You're not just trying to get a paid holiday?" The principal questioned me.

My lips fell agape.

He really didn't believe me?

"Yes, I'm serious." I grumbled while staring at my principal.

"Show me your stomach then." The principal demanded.

My eyes widened.

"What, no." I choked out.

"Why not? If you're pregnant I should be able to see proof." He assertively demanded.

"My proof is the urine test that I've done and had signed by a doctor. I don't need to lift up my shirt and show you my stomach just because I'm a male. You wouldn't have even asked a woman for proof likely to begin with." I snapped.

"Jimin, if you are actually pregnant, you wouldn't have a problem showing me your stomach." The principal muttered.

"I am pregnant, just I should have the right to my own body and to say no. I may not be a woman but I deserve the same rights as a woman to say no, even if we are the same gender." I protested.

The principal rolled his eyes.

"So you want 18 weeks off?" The principal mumbled while looking at his computer screen while I sent him through the scan as proof from my phone.

It's inappropriate and horrific to not be trusted by my boss, nor given the same rights.

"Yes. I may come back sooner if I feel fit too." I replied, my teeth gritted.

"Done." He said typing into his computer.

"Good." I mumbled, quickly standing up to rush out of the room with my bag slung over my shoulder.

I cannot believe that man's disrespect.

I don't need to show my baby bump that is starting to develop to him.

Taehyung or my close friends are the only ones I'd let see it.

Maybe even my students with a push but I just intend on wearing over-sized hoodies and sweatpants to work.

I quickly rushed to the male teachers bathroom, vomiting in the sink, my hands shaking a bit as I gripped the cheap white sink.

I then grabbed my water bottle out of my bag, drinking down some water to change the taste in my mouth before heading towards my first class that I am teaching.

Taehyung's POV

Monday, week 6 of Jimin's pregnancy, 2:45pm.

I stood in a store looking at a white baby's cot while I wore navy blue denim jeans, a black shirt with a red wilting rose on it and black converse sneakers.

My eyes teared up looking at the cot.

It's crazy to me still that I'm having a baby. And that it's being born naturally, not with the help of a surrogate but the fact my own boyfriend is giving birth is just magical.

It's a thought that I love to think about.

I wiped my eyes before tears came out of my eyes as I imagined our baby inside this cot, his or her small body lying down the center, covered in blankets.

My eyes scanned the shop for better deals.

I pulled out my phone texting Jimin when I saw a cute white set of drawers which could be useful to hold our baby's clothing and also blankets or toys.

I know the room has a closet inside of it, however having more space could be useful.

It also comes at a good price.

"Hi, can I help you with ordering anything?" A female staff member asked me.

I looked over my shoulder at the young woman before turning to face her.

"Um, yeah," I started.

"I'd definitely like to get this cot." I explained, leading the women over to the white cot that I was looking at before.

"Alright, this cot comes in black as well as white, are you happy with the white colour?" The woman asked me.

"Ah yes, White." I responded.

"Is that all?" She asked me.

"Um," I mumbled looking down at my phone.

Jimin still hasn't responded to my text.

Normally Jimin almost always responds.

Is he processing getting the drawers? If he is, wouldn't he just tell me to hold off purchasing them?

I suppose if I get them and he decides later he doesn't want them, once it arrives I could always sell it straight away.

Jimin is probably just busy, maybe in a conversation with Namjoon.

Or he's actually teaching rather than just talking for once.

"I will also take those drawers over there." I responded to the woman.

"Those come in black, white, aqua blue or exposed light wood." She explained.

"I will take white." I responded.

I suppose once I find out what our baby's favourite colour is, I could always paint over the white anyways.

"Okay, follow me to the counter sir." The woman stated.

I followed behind her, glancing at my phone before texting Jimin that I made the decision to buy the drawers myself.

Do I feel a bit guilty though, making the decision without my boyfriend... Yes, a bit... What if he gets mad over it? But I think the drawers will be useful. I will just state my case and if he doesn't want them, I can just sell the drawers or he doesn't have to put any of his own money towards my purchase of them... Simple...

AU - Jimin's boss is a bit of a male prick... Anyways, yal think somethings up with Jimin to make him not respond? Any guesses?

Also if you enjoyed, totally feel free to comment, vote and add this book to ya library/libraries!

That's all for now... Stay warm, safe and healthy my lovely readers and fellow others... Till next chapter... Byeeeee :)

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