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"Man... Are you just gonna show off to me? Is this your purpose to make yourself look cool so that I wanna date you?"



Jimin's POV

I arrived at the beach and looked around noticing that Taehyung wasn't here.

I glanced at my phone time and sighed seeing it was already 10am.

While huffing, I walked over to where I was with Taehyung last night before lying down on my back.

The warm soft sand beneath me as I looked up at the beautiful blue sky.

However I grinned seeing a familiar handsome face peer down at me.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung coed with a bubbly smile.

"Looking at the sky, you're now in the way though." I replied laughing.

"Oh, I can move." Taehyung responded with a light chuckle.

"No! You're more stunning to look at." I hummed before I sensed him sitting down on the sand beside me.

"You think so?" I heard him say.

I sat up looking at him beside me with a nod.

He looked out at the sea, however I could see a dark red colour spreading across his cheeks.

"Are you always late?" I asked with a smile.

He looked over at me with his mouth agape.

"I was late by a couple minutes, come on." Taehyung whined as I just laughed.

"So you're always late?" I questioned.

"Sometimes... A lot of the time." He responded slowly.

I laughed.

"It's not that funny, the amount of times I've been fired because I'm late is bad." Taehyung grumbled.

"Awww." I hummed smiling as I examined what Taehyung was wearing.

He wore a full black body wet-suit.

"Um, so what are we doing?" I wondered aloud, feeling a bit worried as I only wore swim shorts and a white singlet leaving my arms exposed.

"I thought we could go standup paddle boarding because something tells me you aren't a surfer?" Taehyung suggested looking at me.

I nodded quickly.

"Correct, I am not." I mumbled and he laughed.

He stood up before grabbing my smaller hands in his own to pull me up from the beach.

"Come, you can put your belongings in my car and I have a board you can use." Taehyung told me, leading the way down the beach.

My heart was racing inside my chest as my eyes stayed on the attractive male beside me.

His hair was messy and brown, only his eyes were a bit more dreamy and golden.

Taehyung's jawline is absolutely perfect while his lips were a delicious rosy tone.

Not to mention his body proportion looks amazing inside his tight fitting wet-suit.

"Woah." I gasped seeing a nice clean silver car as Taehyung unlocked it.

"Chuck your belongings in the glove box." Taehyung stated while opening up the boot.

I nodded doing so before watching Taehyung pull two boards out of the boot of his car.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now