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"For someone who's pregnant, you seem awfully horny."



Jimin's POV

Smut throughout chapter, if you are uncomfortable or it's too much for you, skip too next chapter!

I sat by the door, watching Taehyung and some other male unloading boxes into my garage.

It was extremely attractive to watch Taehyung's muscles move every time he picked up a box.

The sweat that started to drip down his neck, making his arms shiny was even attractive.

Once Taehyung was done lifting the boxes, he came towards the door.

He panted a little bit as he sat down beside me.

My eyes leeched off arm muscles as he wiped sweat off his forehead.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a soft giggle while the truck drove off.

"Yeah." Taehyung said with a slight laugh.

"Just I'm hot." Taehyung commented.

"Come on then, I can help cool you down." I coed while standing up to head back inside.

Taehyung laughed before following me.

I heard the front door click closed as I continued down the hallway.

"And how are you going to do that?" Taehyung asked while following closely behind me.

I headed into my bedroom, Taehyung stopping inside the middle of the room as I took my shoes off.

Taehyung did the same after realising he was wearing shoes covered in dust from the truck.

"That is for me to show you." I coed before pushing Taehyung backwards till he fell back over my bed.

His lips parted slightly in shock as I climbed on top of him, straddling his waist.

"First you were too cold, then you were too hot," I started while leaning over top of him.

His eyes laced with mine before falling down to my plump lips.

I continued, "How about I make you both cold and hot." I whispered, my breath dancing against Taehyung's lips.

"How do you intend on doing that?" Taehyung asked.

I grinned seeing lust sparkling in his eyes as I leaned closer to him.

"Like this." I whispered a centimetre from his pink lips.

I planted a passionate kiss on his lips, making his hands circle around the small of my back, holding me closer to his body.

I allowed myself to take dominance as I let my tongue enter between his soft desperate lips.

Our tongues joined as Taehyung's hands ran down over my ass in my black sweatpants.

My fingers fell around the buttons of Taehyung's white long sleeve shirt.

I undid the first few buttons, enough to be able to fit his head out of it before breaking the kiss to pull it off from over his head.

His golden tanned skin was on display as I leaned down, connecting my lips to his neck.

"For someone who's pregnant, you seem awfully horny." Taehyung snickered while feeling amused.

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