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"I know you were technically the first person to hold our baby but because you did very well, I'd like you to get a proper hold when I am very grateful."



Taehyung's POV

After Jimin was put out, a short male doctor followed by Jihyun walked in.

"Oh great, you were free." The nurse hummed while seeing the doctor in front of her.

He must specialize in male pregnancies?

The nurse helped put on the doctors gloves before turning to Jihyun.

"Jihyun, you have other places to be." The nurse sternly stated.

"Can't I stay, this is happening on my brother." Jihyun whined.

The doctor looked over my boyfriends stomach before looking back at the nurse who was trying to push Jihyun out.

"How long has he been under?" The specialist doctor asked.

"Only a minute." She replied.

"Jihyun, come here, you can be my assistant, nurse, you may go assist else where." The doctor muttered.

I think he could tell by the panicked face of Jihyun that he needed to be there.

"Thank you." Jihyun muttered while walking over to the male doctor.

I caught the sight of the nurse roll her eyes as she left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Feel free to watch any time you feel comfortable but it's not the prettiest thing to look at." The specialist doctor said now gazing at me for a second.

I nodded as I stared at the doctor.

His black dark hair was pulled back in a man bun and his deep brown eyes seem somewhat familiar.

However I could tell that his hair had been dyed before, maybe even dyed a couple times because his hair looked unhealthy.

Even the tone of his somewhat raspy voice seems familiar.

However the chances of me knowing someone in Busan is very poor.

Maybe I served him a drink at Jin's restaurant?

Or maybe when I visited Hoseok after his dancing lesson, maybe he was a student?

As the c-section commenced, I only got up twice.

The blood was horrible, but the second time I got up was because my baby boy was pulled out by the doctor before being handed too Jihyun.

Jihyun's eyes turned to crescents while he ushered me over to him.

I walked over to him before Jihyun filled up some water in a hospital baby bath.

Then I overheard the professional doctor telling me how I could clean up my baby as the specialist doctor and Jihyun started to stitch Jimin back together.

The cries of my baby boy made my heart melt as I held my baby in my arms.

I hung it over the water, making sure to hold it's naked bum while cleaning him.

 His skin was so soft, softer then anything I'd ever touched.

It squirmed in my arms as I pulled it out of the water.

The doctor turned around once he was done with Jimin, taking off his bloody gloves before helping me clean our baby's while Jihyun focused on Jimin and making sure he'd wake up soon.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now