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"Jimin it's fine, it means if you want another one you can have a lot more sex."



Taehyungs POV

Monday, Week 18 of Jimins pregnancy, 4:30pm.

Today Jimin and I are tagging along with Hayoon and Jungkooks appointment to find out our baby's genders.

Jungkook and Hayoon waited 2 weeks so we could share the experience with them.

Mostly because we shouldn't risk meeting up with many other people because of Covid-19.

Also because Hayoon and Jungkook had a female specialist doctor with them last time and thought it would be a shame if we missed out on having a doctor again to double check our babies health.

"I'm so nervous." Jimin hummed in the car while Jungkook drove all 4 of us to the hospital.

"Same." Hayoon mumbled.

"I really hope our babies get along. I would cry if they hated each other." Hayoon mumbled.

"It's fine, we will force them to like each other by making them like things we like so they naturally get along." Jungkook stated while finding a park in the hospital car parking.

"Tae, are you okay?" Jimin asked while tapping my arm from the seat behind me as I sat in the front passenger seat.

"Yeah." I responded simply.

Honestly I feel a bit sick, my breathing is hitched all because everything is so real.

Hayoon and Jimin's stomachs have really grown and I'm starting to feel scared about raising a child.

It brings great responsibility and even though I will have Jimin by my side, I'm still nervous as hell that I won't be as good of a dad as I hope to be.

"You look a bit pale, are you sure?" Jimin questioned as we got out of the car.

Jungkook locked it after helping his wife out of the car.

"Are you both going to get married before the baby is born?" Hayoon questioned before I could answer.

"Hell no, I don't want to look fat in wedding photos!" Jimin snapped quickly.

"You're not fat Jimin-ah, just very pregnant." Jungkook remarked.

Jimin rolled his eyes as we headed towards the entrance of the hospital.

Then he looked back at me waiting for my answer.

"I'm just nervous too. I keep wanting to be the stronger person in case you cry but I think I might again." Taehyung responded to me quietly.

I smiled softly.

"It's okay, you don't always need to be strong. It makes me feel some good kind of way seeing you cry when you are happy anyways. Plus I will be by your side, likely crying too so it's okay." I mumbled.

As we approached the sliding doors, they opened for us but a doctor quickly ran out.

I grabbed Jimin's hand pulling him towards me before the male doctor could knock Jimin over.

I heard a faint, "Sorry!" Being called back from the male doctor as he continued to run away from the hospital.

"His voice sounds familiar." Jimin muttered loud enough for me to hear as we all entered the hospital.

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